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The first meeting of the HKH High-Level Task Force took place virtually on 22 February 2021. Constituted based on the Ministerial Declaration on the HKH Call to Action, which was issued on 15 October 2020, and comprising senior government officials from all eight HKH countries, this Task Force will monitor the progress on the HKH Call to Action and assess the potential for an institutional mechanism to strengthen regional cooperation.
The HKH Call to Action provides a roadmap for the future of the region, based on the latest science synthesized in The Hindu Kush Himalaya assessment: Mountains, climate change, sustainability and people, and is framed around six urgent actions:
During the meeting, ICIMOD provided an orientation and context to the Task Force members about the HKH Assessment, Call to Action, and the Ministerial Declaration, and the participants discussed the Task Force’s role, plan of work, and key actions in 2021.
The Task Force members include the following:
Rangeland Management Director
General Directorate of Natural Resource Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs
Chief, Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
Director, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
Deputy Director General, Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation
Joint Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Environment
Program Director, Economic Analysis & Statistic Section, National Planning Commission
Chairman, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
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