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Strengthening International Partnerships for a Resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya

Pema Gyamtsho

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During my recent European tour with ICIMOD colleagues, I was reminded of the pivotal role international partnerships play in addressing the complex challenges facing the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region. From glacial melt and water scarcity to disaster risk and biodiversity loss, the issues we tackle transcend national borders. This snapshot of my visits to Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and Sweden highlight how fostering global collaborations is essential for advancing ICIMOD’s mission of promoting sustainable development and climate resilience in the HKH region.

Norway: a gateway to Polar collaboration

Norway, with its deep-rooted commitment to environmental conservation, climate change mitigation, and polar research, was a key stop on our tour. At Arendalsuka, Norway’s largest political gathering, I participated in discussions that highlighted the urgent need for joint efforts to address the changing snow cover in the HKH and the Arctic regions. These sessions provided a platform to explore opportunities for collaborative research and policy development, emphasising the shared challenges and potential benefits of cooperation between the two regions.

At Arendal, we met key officials from NORAD, GRID-Arendal, the Artic Council, the Arctic University, the Norwegian Polar Institute, and the Reindeer Herders Association. In addition to these meetings, we met with the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) and the Centre for International Climate Research (CICERO) at Oslo. These meetings revealed many possibilities for collaboration with the agencies in Norway.

Our cryosphere team – Miriam Jackson, Sharad Joshi and Sonam Wangchuk, gave excellent presentations and contributed to the discussions in various meetings.

Switzerland: building on bilateral cooperation

In Switzerland, Shekhar and I met with representatives from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Swiss universities, where we discussed shared interests and explored potential areas for collaboration. Switzerland has been a consistent supporter of ICIMOD since its establishment, and it is heartening to note the growing interest of Swiss partners in collaborating with us on mountain development initiatives.

Austria: a strategic partnership for sustainable mountain development

In Vienna, ICIMOD signed a strategic partnership agreement with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), which aims to enhance our initiatives over the next four years and aligns with global development goals. This strategic partnership will significantly boost ICIMOD’s efforts to promote sustainable mountain development and build resilience in the HKH region.

Germany: innovations and partnerships in climate research

Our visit to Germany provided opportunities to explore cutting-edge climate research and forge stronger partnership with leading institutions. Discussions with Bauhaus Earth Berlin Innovation Lab and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research focused on potential collaborations in early warning systems and geomorphology and integrating innovative solutions into practical applications for sustainable development.

Sweden: Addressing Transboundary Climate Risks

At World Water Week in Sweden, I had the privilege of addressing a global audience alongside my esteemed colleagues, Arun, Neera and Faisal, Our discussion with representatives from the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) underscored the urgent need for coordinated action to address the cascading and transboundary climate risks affecting the HKH region.

In  my keynote presentation, I emphasised the imperative of managing water resources in the HKH region with a comprehensive approach. The region faces the dual challenges of both water scarcity and excess, and our policies and plans must reflect this interconnectedness to build resilience against the impacts of climate change.

I highlighted  four key areas for action:

Information: Access to and integration of data into decision-making processes is essential for effective collaboration.

Innovation: While innovative solutions exists, their implementation is often hindered. Strengthening their application is vital for sustainable development.

Investment: Resources must be directed to where they are most needed, and climate financing mechanisms must be simplified to ensure equitable allocation.

Institutions: Robust institutions at all levels are crucial l for fostering sustainable development and resilience in the face of climate change.

The European tour highlighted the importance of international partnerships in addressing the complex challenges facing the HKH region.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the individuals and organisations I met during this journey. Their support and commitment to ICIMOD’s mission and invaluable.

I would especially like to thank:

Jan Erik Studsrot for his logistical support during our visit to Norway

Riccarda Caprez for facilitating our meetings in Switzerland

Guenter Englitis for his effort in securing the strategic partnership with ADA

Prof. Jeurgen Kropp for arranging our visit and meetings in Germany

Tove Goldman for her support in facilitating our meetings and events in Stockholm

By working with these dedicated partners, we are making significant progress towards addressing the complex challenges facing the Hindu Kush Himalayan region and building a more resilient future for mountain communities.

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