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The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Mozambique, and the Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) held a running a three week course on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 25 January – 5 February 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal at ICIMOD’s Godavari Knowledge Park. A third training week is scheduled 7–11 March 2016 in Beira, Mozambique where the focus will be on DRR and climate change.
The training was designed for managers and DRR practitioners for Danida supported projects and programmes worldwide. The course comprised six modules and covered aspects related to Hazards, Risks and Vulnerability assessments; DRR and Governance; Gender mainstreaming in DRR; DRR mainstreaming in policy and plans, knowledge sharing and Climate Change. The modules were developed through a collaborative process by a core team and delivered through 20 resource persons.
The training programme in Nepal included exposure visits to ICIMOD’s Godavari Knowledge Park and ‘Climate Smart Village’ in Kavre district. Participants’ learned more on gender mainstreaming in DRR and community based flood early warning system. Sixteen participants (25% women) from Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique, Kenya, Indonesia and Pakistan attended the course. Action planning, an essential element of the course, allowed participants to directly apply new knowledge and skills upon return to their organisation. The participants prepared an action plan identifying areas that they wanted to focus before coming to the course which they worked on during the training course applying the knowledge and skills that they gained. This will be further improved by the participants during the training course in Mozambique.
For more information on the course in Nepal, please contact:
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