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Living with Risks: Sharing Knowledge on Disaster Preparedness in the Himalayan Region
ICIMOD shares the growing concern about the need to improve disaster management and preparedness. ICIMOD as a regional organisation has a mandate to address disaster risk reduction (DRR) in a regional transboundary context. Over the years, we have focused on reducing risk, preventing future build up of risks, and contributing to adapting to the changing risk environment. ICIMOD has also played a significant role related to disaster risk reduction as mandated by the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), which has been adopted by almost 170 governments including the governments of the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region. ICIMOD has been working on some of the HFA recommendations, which include the following:
ICIMOD is particularly committed to the the HFA recommendation “to establish or strengthen existing specialised regional collaborative centres, as appropriate, to undertake research, training, education and capacity building in the field of DRR”.
This website is an expression of ICIMOD’s commitment to knowledge sharing and creating a platform for dialogue and discussion for stakeholders in disaster risk reduction in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region.
For enquiries in relation to the project, please contact Vijay Khadgi (