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ICIMOD is seeking submissions of best practices in conservation, restoration and sustainable use of high-altitude rangelands as GESI responsive nature-based solutions that addresses myriads of societal challenges such as poverty and herder’s income insecurity, water insecurity, food/nutrition insecurity, natural disasters, and environmental degradation.
This call seeks to draw upon the collective expertise of practitioners, researchers, Indigenous knowledge holders, and other stakeholders, and enable exchange of insights and innovative approaches that can contribute to the preservation and revitalization of these vital mountain ecosystems.
Our aim is to promote regional learning on best practices and innovative approaches that sustain the multiple ecosystem services of high-altitude rangelands in the HKH region while providing resources for the adaptation and transformation of rangeland-dependent or pastoral communities. This call emphasizes rangeland conservation, restoration and sustainable use as a nature-based solution to address critical societal challenges related to environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, climate change, natural disasters and food and water insecurity in the region. We particularly encourage submissions that incorporate elements of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI).
The selected best practices cases will be compiled and published as a compendium of best practices for wider dissemination. This knowledge co-production is part of ICIMOD’s Himalayan Resilience Enabling Action Programme (HI-REAP), supported by the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). HI-REAP focuses on fostering regional cooperation and collaboration for policy influence and investment towards scaling Nature-based Solutions and Actions for Clean Air.
Submissions will be selected based on the IUCN Global Standard criteria for Nature-based Solutions while considering the following factors:
Note: A best practice should meet at least the full application, effectiveness, relevance and GESI responsiveness criteria in addition to one or more of the other criteria. A best practice may not meet all the above criteria.
Fifteen to twenty selected best practices will be announced on 15 October 2024. The selected applicants will be provided with funding (not less than 1000 US Dollars on case basis) for more detailed documentation of the practice. The documented cases will be compiled and published for wider dissemination.
Interested applicants may access the online application form available here.
We look forward to receiving your submissions.
Rangelands account for about 60% of the land area in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH). They are the primary spaces and resources for some 25–30 million Indigenous and culturally diverse people who inhabit and depend directly on their extensive use, that is, pastoralism, for livelihoods and subsistence. Rangelands also provide enormous ecosystem services and vital ecological assets to downstream areas and communities beyond the region.
In the past, rangelands were mainly regarded as fodder sources for livestock production. Their management primarily focused on increasing the quality and quantity of fodder for more or better livestock raising. With growing recognition of their multiple functions and diverse ecosystem services – forage or fodder production (livestock production), habitat for wildlife (biodiversity conservation), carbon sequestration (climate change mitigation), ecological processes (soil and water), and cultural and aesthetic values (recreational and spiritual sites) – the goals for managing the same rangeland areas have become complex and more diverse.
However, climate change and habitat loss, landuse change, overexploitation, pollution, and spread of invasive species have caused rapid and widespread degradation of rangeland ecosystems and weakened the resilience and capability of rangelands to contribute to the welfare and sustainable development of human societies. Meanwhile, environmental, health, socioeconomic, technological, and geopolitical drivers are deeply impacting the sustainability of livestock production and pastoralism in the rangeland areas of the HKH.
On the other hand, improved accessibility and social services, emergence of new opportunities, thanks to the multiple benefits of rangelands, and the rapid dissemination and adoption of new technologies have catalysed socio-economic changes in the rangelands and provided opportunities for adaptation and transformation of pastoral communities.
Nature-based Solutions address societal challenges through actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems, benefiting people and nature at the same time. Conserving, restoring and sustainably managing rangeland resources provides unique nature-based solutions to address the multiple societal challenges related to climate change, biodiversity loss, and water and food insecurity, while securing the livelihoods of people dependent on them. It involves finding a suitable balance between ecological, social, and economic goals while recognising the dynamic nature of these ecosystems.
For any inquiries or clarifications, please contact Yi Shaoliang ( and Srijana Joshi (;
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