Identifying opportunities for new climate and development finance flows is essential as we help mountain communities in meeting the considerable challenges they face, including increasing climate vulnerability, biodiversity loss, economic migration and conflict. Enabling investment in the HKH is key to improving the lives and livelihoods of mountain communities, and forms a central pillar of ICIMOD’s new strategy.

Our approach to delivering on this ambitious agenda is to forge partnerships and facilitate and provide a platform for solutions and investors to come together, ultimately leading to investments. This is being achieved under the umbrella of ICIMOD’s ‘Mountains of Opportunity Investment Framework.’


Mountains of Opportunity Investment Framework (MOIF)

The Mountains of Opportunity Investment Framework (MOIF), set up by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), brings together partners from the knowledge, investor, development, and public and private sectors to identify solutions and mobilise investments that meet climate and environmental priorities in the HKH region.


Actions for investment

The Mountains of Opportunity Investment Framework will play a transformative role by bridging the gap between the needs of the mountain regions and those of investors and finance for scalable, proven projects with quantifiable impacts. It does this through ‘Investment pathways’, through which we aim to:


Form partnerships to strengthen the investment ecosystem

This includes convening and connecting stakeholders to share knowledge and foster innovation around diverse topics aimed at strengthening the ecosystem for green investment in the HKH. In 2024, we are supporting the establishment of the Green Inclusive Resilient Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (GIREE) Alliance. This initiative will bring together a consortium of regional incubators and accelerators to support entrepreneurial activities addressing socio-economic and environmental challenges.
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Harness investment expertise by creating an Investment Working Group

Over time, MOIF will engage investors, creating a platform that strengthens the investment ecosystem by bridging the gap between solutions and finance. To achieve this, we plan to create an Investment Working Group, comprising investors and investment expertise. This will help identify innovative ways of investing and assist our efforts to identify investable solutions.
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Develop and launch the ‘HKH Challenge Fund’ with the Global Resilience Partnership

The Challenge Fund approach holds significant potential in building a seed-to-scale pipeline of nature-positive, resilient enterprises. This can help transform, support, and incentivise the enterprise landscape of the HKH region.
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Develop business cases for investment

ICIMOD and our partners have identified many solutions for the HKH, with emerging innovative approaches occurring. We aim to embark on the existing bankable solutions and identify those with investment and scaling potential.
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For more information


Action Area Coordinator, Global Advocacy, ICIMOD