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The Upper Indus Basin (UIB), shared by Afghanistan, China, India, and Pakistan has been experiencing the impacts of climate change on its water resources and its dependent sectors. The basin is crucial for all riparian countries in the region and there are many common challenges and opportunities for managing water resources and water induced risks. Some of these risks such as floods, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF), and erosion pose particular challenges to sustainable development and great risk to human and natural capital in the region. There are also challenges related to cooperation in research and information sharing among the numerous research and civil society organizations working in these riparian countries.
River Basins and Cryosphere, Indus Basin
17 January 2019 to 18 January 2019
The Upper Indus Basin Network (UIBN) with its Six Technical Working Groups (TWGs) was established in 2014 with the aim of promoting coordination and collaboration among organizations working in the UIB; for improved understanding of water availability, demand, and associated hazards; and to develop gender sensitive solutions by working with stakeholders in the region. The Peoples Republic of China has been one of the most active members of the network and is currently leading one of the six TWGs: hydrology, water availability and basin-scale water demand. The UIB-N has been playing an important role in promoting a greater understanding of the challenges and opportunities by getting researchers to share their experiences, knowledge and understanding to be able to effectively deal with the effects of climate change on water resources as well as upstream/downstream linkages.
The network has been active in Pakistan since its creation. The first regional UIB-N workshop on “Enhancing Science Based Regional Cooperation” was organized in Kathmandu on 24–25 April 2018 where participants from government and non-government organizations of Afghanistan, China, India, Pakistan and other international research and academic organizations agreed to use the UIB-N as a regional platform to discuss emerging issues and potential solutions related to the UIB. The major outcomes of the workshop included revision of the network’s governance structure, a proposal for the formation of country chapters, formation of ad-hoc strategic committee for six months and a proposal for the formation of a permanent strategic committee.
With this mandate from the UIB-N workshop in Kathmandu, ICIMOD as a secretariat of the network has been supporting UIB-N member countries in establishing the Regional Network and Ad-hoc Strategic Committee in drafting UIB-N governance structure.
With the above background, ICIMOD is planning to organize the 2nd regional UIB-N workshop in Kathmandu. The aim of the workshop is to give the UIB-N Network a regional shape and agree on the governance structure proposed by the ad-hoc Strategic Committee.
The major objectives of the UIB-N workshop are:
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