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REEECH & Adaptation and Resilience Building
24 March 2021
Organizers: ICIMOD, IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) and SELCO Solar Light Pvt. Ltd
Participation in this event is by invitation only
Cost-competitive, decentralised renewable energy solutions provide a unique opportunity to reconcile energy, socioeconomic development, and climate objectives in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH). Some of the value-chains in the agri-food sector – modern farming practices, food processing, treatment, storage, and distribution – can benefit greatly from these solutions. Such interventions can also contribute to food security and agricultural productivity of remote mountain communities.
The energy flows and needs of mountain communities along the economic value chains are still not well understood and documented. To address this, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) conducted a comprehensive scoping exercise to assess selected economic value chains (e.g. yak, bamboo, tourism) and to identify gaps and potential actions for advancing renewable energy in the HKH region. The scoping exercise and subsequent consultative workshop provided a concrete basis for developing an action plan, outlining potential areas for targeted interventions to foster an ecosystem conducive for deploying renewable energy solutions in the region.
To support the implementation of this action plan, advance the understanding of energy needs in the agri-food chains in mountain communities and facilitate deployment and adaptation of off-grid renewable energy solutions, IRENA and the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for the Hindu Kush Himalaya (REEECH) initiative of ICIMOD have jointly selected four food value chains – potato, yak (milk and other food products), buckwheat, and vegetables. Although these four food value chains were selected based on research conducted in Nepal and Bhutan, they are relevant to other HKH countries since they meet following regional criteria: (i) relevance to mountain communities, (ii) potential to create jobs for youth and women, (ii) possessing low risk to climate change/potential to use RE/EE solutions and (iv) ability to leverage networks and resources. SELCO Solar Light Pvt. Ltd (SELCO) also contributed to the technical aspects of this study based on their extensive work in decentralized renewable energy productive uses, particularly in the agri-food sector.
ICIMOD, IRENA and SELCO are jointly organizing this virtual dissemination workshop to discuss the findings of the assessment studies, highlight techno-economic viability of renewable energy for food value chains in HKH, demonstrate market opportunities to entrepreneurs and technology providers, and share best practices across the region.
The event will engage experts from across the region who bring with them a keen understanding of the HKH region and diversity of experience on energy and/or food value-chains. The workshop would also provide opportunities for potential partnerships between entrepreneurs, technology providers, and potential donors/investors.
Wednesday, 24 March 2021, 11:00-12:30 (Nepal Standard Time)
Abid Hussain, Food Security Economist, ICIMOD
Shripathi Hadigal, Programme Manager, SELCO Foundation
This webinar aims to provide a platform for stakeholders to exchange knowledge and perspectives on the status of renewable energy ...