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River Basins and Cryosphere
27 September 2022
With the Australian Water Partnership (AWP), we are implementing the project, ‘Elevating river basin governance and cooperation in the HKH region’, with the aim to strengthen transboundary river basin management arrangements and enhance cooperation between the major river basins with headwaters originating in the HKH region.
As part of the project, we are organising a series of three semi-structured knowledge exchange dialogues, with one dialogue for each of the three focus basins – Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra River basins. This dialogue will focus on the Ganges River basin.
Under ICIMOD’s technical guidance, a consortium of Australian project partners – eWater, the Institute for Study and Development Worldwide (IFSD), and Aither – is producing basin assessment reports for the Brahmaputra, Ganges, and Indus basins, describing emerging practices for overcoming barriers to effective and inclusive transboundary river basin management and climate challenges, and providing recommendations for strengthening river basin cooperation and resilience.
Ganges River basin Aither and Philippus Wester, ICIMOD
Brahmaputra River basin Institute for Study and Development Worldwide (IFSD) and Neera Shrestha Pradhan, ICIMOD
Indus River basin eWater and Arun Bhakta Shrestha, ICIMOD
Sarah Ransom, General Manager, AWP
Huw Pohlner, Associate Director, Aither
Rohan Kent, Program Lead, AWP