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Fourth Upper Indus Basin Network Regional Strategic Committee (RSC) meeting


Microsoft Teams

Date & Time

28 January 2021

List of participants



The Upper Indus Basin, shared by Afghanistan, China, India, and Pakistan, has been facing the impacts of climate change on its water resources and related sectors. The basin is crucial for all the riparian countries, which face many common challenges and opportunities when working together to manage water resources and water-induced hazards.

The Upper Indus Basin Network (UIBN), established by members from the riparian countries, is a neutral knowledge and research network of national and international researchers working on the basin. It is a voluntary and informal network that aims to foster coordination among stakeholders in research related to climate, cryosphere, water, hazards and vulnerability, and adaptation. The UIBN has been playing an important role in promoting a shared understanding of regional challenges and opportunities. It has been fostering coordination among researchers working in the region to deal with the effects of climate change on water resources and upstream–downstream linkages.

The Regional Strategic Committee (RSC) met virtually on 25 June 2020 because of COVID-19 related travel restrictions. The RSC reiterated its support for ongoing work within the network and prioritized science-based collaboration. Building on this, the second Regional UIBN Annual Meeting (RUAM) and fourth RSC have been planned on 26–28 January 2021. The RSC will meet a day after the RUAM. The RUAM will assess the UIBN’s functioning; progress of the country chapters including the technical working groups (TWGs); share new research and experiences of the riparian countries; and discuss the way forward considering emerging needs, challenges, and opportunities in the region.

  • Strengthening regional cooperation
  • Sharing new and relevant research on the Upper Indus Basin
  • Outlining the strategic direction and guidelines for the UIBN country chapters focusing on the prevailing context and future needs
Afghanistan China India Nepal Pakistan
28 January, 2021 Start time 8:50 12:20 9:50 10:05 9:20
End time 11:20 14:50 12:20 12:35 11:50
Time (NST) Programme Facilitator Rapporteurs
10:05–10:15 Registration Ashmita Shakya, ICIMOD
10:15–10:45 Opening session

Recap of decisions and actions of last two RSC meetings – Arun Bhakta Shrestha, ICIMOD

Objectives of the meeting – New UIBN Chair

UIBN Chair
10:45–12:20 Discussion session

  • Strategic guidelines for the UIBN country chapters focusing on the prevailing context and future needs
  • Country chapter periodic meetings for planning, theory of change, and inter- and intra-TWG and country chapter collaborations
  • How to position the country chapters as an advisory forum: Finding avenues to contribute to national policies and strategies
  • How the country chapters can be made sustainable
  • Decide the date for the next RSC meeting and discuss the RUAM’s agenda outline, dates, and venue
  • AOB
UIBN Chair Muhammad Mudassar Maqsood and

Sharmila Dhungana, ICIMOD

12:20–12:35 Outcomes and action points of the meeting – Ajaz Ali, ICIMOD

Vote of thanks – Ajaz Ali, ICIMOD

Follow the event on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn at #UIBN #4thRSC2021


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