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Orientation on climate-resilient agriculture and innovation for university faculties




ICIMOD, Kathmandu

Date & Time

07 May 2024 to 09 May 2024


About the workshop

The Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystem (GRAPE) project is organising a three-day orientation on the different aspects of climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) for university faculty members from Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Mid-West University, Kathmandu University and Tribhuvan University.

Following the revision of AFU’s undergraduate curriculum and the integration of CRA content supported by GRAPE, there was a need to orient university faculty members to the content and the global, regional, and national discourse around teaching climate resilience, adaptation, and innovation. By promoting collaboration, sharing best practices, and equipping educators with practical tips and tools, the workshop seeks to make agricultural education and extension relevant to a rapidly changing context. It will also serve as a platform for other universities to engage and collaborate, facilitating the incorporation of CRA content into their curricula.

The workshop will feature a blend of interactive sessions, expert presentations, and site visits. Additionally, it will discuss practical strategies for integrating these concepts into academic programmes, thereby contributing to a more resilient and sustainable future for agricultural education, research, and extension.


  • Enhance understanding of university faculty members on topics such as climate change, CRA, green enterprise, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), and springshed management
  • Facilitate the development of action points and strategies for implementing gained knowledge within academic programmes, promoting experiential learning, and fostering students’ ability to address real-world challenges in agriculture and food security


As part of the GRAPE (project, ICIMOD is taking the lead in implementing GRAPE Field of Action (FA) 2 – action research – in Karnali and Sudurpashchim provinces of Nepal. The focus is on participatory action research and demonstration of proven climate-resilient agriculture solutions to minimise climate and socio-economic risks and vulnerabilities. The project places great emphasis on gender equality and social inclusion for ensuring green and productive agroecological systems that supports mountain livelihoods and economy.

Under the GRAPE FA 2, ICIMOD is focused on enhancing the capacity of universities in Nepal’s Sudurpashchim and Karnali provinces to ensure that climate resilience research continues to be effectively carried out and utilized beyond the project’s duration. Presently, ICIMOD collaborates with four universities: AFU, Far-Western University, Mid-West University, and Kathmandu University in conducting action research on CRA technologies and practices. Furthermore, GRAPE has supported AFU in revising their curriculum which includes the integration of crucial elements such as climate resilient agriculture, nature-based solutions, digitalisation of extension services GESI, and promotion of green enterprises. This strategic integration ensures that the graduates are equipped to continue advocating for and implementing sustainable agricultural practices even after the conclusion of the GRAPE project.