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Managing sedimentation risk in hydropower projects: Applying the Reservoir Conservation Model



Date & Time

27 November 2022 to 29 November 2022

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About the training

The Hydropower Transboundary Working Group under the Koshi Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Hub (KDKH) is organising this training – the second this year – to strengthen the capacity of stakeholders in Nepal and South Asia in understanding and managing sedimentation issues in hydropower projects. This is the second round of REServoir CONservation (RESCON2) training to accommodate the overwhelming response from large no of participants. The RESCON2 Model facilitates a rapid screening of sediment management alternatives for storage reservoirs and peaking run-of-river hydropower schemes.

The training will also include a demonstration of climate change risk assessment and impacts of sedimentation on economic performance. The training is a combination of lectures on theoretical concepts, illustrative case studies, and hands-on exercises.

The training is supported by the Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries under the Dame Safety and Disaster Risk Management Project.


About REServoir CONservation (RESCON2)

RESCON 2 is a knowledge product of the Global Sediment Management Study conducted by the World Bank’s ESMAP Hydropower Development Facility with funding from the Austrian Government. The objective of the programme was to support activities with an aim to improve the planning, implementation, and operation of sustainable sediment management in hydropower plants and dams, and provide recommendations to extend the operating life of existing facilities by implementing successful reservoir sediment management policy and procedures. The programme was initiated by Pravin Karki, World Bank’s Global Lead for Hydropower and Dams and Helmut Habersack, Professor at BOKU University, Vienna, Austria


Koshi Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge Hub

The KDKH is a platform led and driven by its members to foster transboundary collaboration on disaster risk reduction and explore the interlinkages between science, policy, and practice. Its vision is to contribute to a resilient Koshi basin through better understanding and evidence-based decision making on transboundary water-related DRR. KDKH is hosted by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority (NDRRMA), Nepal; the Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA), India; and the Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment (IMHE), Chinese Academy of Sciences; with secretariat support from ICIMOD.


Hydropower Transboundary Working Group

The Hydropower Transboundary Working Group is one of the eight transboundary working groups of the KDKH. This group is led by the Centre for Water Resources Studies (CWRS) at the Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University.

The Group focuses on assessing multi-hazard vulnerability and risk in hydropower; identifying potential ways of enhancing the resilience of hydropower to changing climate; enhancing collaboration in terms of research, publishing, advocacy; and dissemination to promote the concept of resilient hydropower. The group also organises webinars, capacity building, and knowledge co-creation and sharing activities on a regular basis.



Nikos Efthymiou is a consulting engineer with expertise in sediment management for storage reservoirs and RoR hydropower schemes. As a consultant, he has been involved in sediment management studies and in the design of small and large hydropower projects. He has managed the World Bank’s global sediment management study and various water resources projects. His areas of interest include reservoir sustainability; impacts of climate change and sedimentation on the reliability of water supply and hydropower generation; and the robust adaptation to non-stationary climate futures. He was responsible for developing the RESCON2 software.

Efthymiou graduated in Civil Engineering and has a master’s degree in environmental protection and sustainable development from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He has a PhD in sediment transport in mountainous rivers from the Technical University of Munich.




Expected participants

  • Early mid-career professionals working in the areas of water resources, hydropower, and disaster risk management
  • Representatives of Arun hydropower developers
  • Relevant personnel from various government agencies (NDRRMA, DHM, NEA, DoED)
  • IPPAN, consultants, research scholars, academicians, and graduate students
  • Relevant stakeholders from South Asia



Facilitator: Neera Shrestha Pradhan, Programme Coordinator – Koshi Basin Initiative, River Basins and Cryosphere Regional Programme, ICIMOD

Time (NPT) Programme Speakers/Resource person
Day 1
18:00–18:05 Opening remarks NDRRMA (TBC)
18:05–18:10 Remarks Arun Bhakta Shrestha, Regional Programme Manager, River Basins and Cryosphere, ICIMOD

The World Bank (TBC)

18:10–18:15 Introduction of training and resource persons Moderator: Vishnu Prasad Pandey, Centre for Water Resources Studies, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, and Lead – KDKH Hydropower Transboundary Working Group
18:15–21:00 Session I: Sedimentation issues in hydropower projects and introduction/demonstration of the RESCON 2 Model

  • Sedimentation issues in hydropower projects and potential ways to address them
  • Description of the methodological approach of RESCON2
  • Data requirements and model setup (demonstration of example)
  • Calibration and validation
  • Results and interpretation
  • Discussion/Q&A
Nikos Efthymiou
18:00–18:05 Recap of Day 1 Nikos Efthymiou
18:05–21:00 Session II: Hands-on storage reservoir case study

  • Model set-up, calibration/validation with sample data
  • Results and interpretation
  • Climate change risk assessment and addressing the risk
  • Discussion/Q&A
Nikos Efthymiou
Day 3
18:00–20:45 Session III: Hands-on peaking RoR case study

  • Model set-up, calibration/validation with sample data
  • Results and interpretation
  • Climate change risk assessment and addressing the risk
  • Discussion/Q&A
Nikos Efthymiou
20:45–21:00 Certificate distribution Facilitated by Neera Shrestha Pradhan and Vishnu Prasad Pandey
Closing remarks ICIMOD