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Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal
04 October 2016 to 05 October 2016
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development’s (ICIMOD) Regional REDD+ Initiative, under its REDD+ Himalaya component, facilitates the ‘REDD+ readiness’ processes of the member countries (Bhutan, India, Myanmar, and Nepal) at various scales through capacity building and knowledge sharing. In Nepal, ICIMOD’s REDD+ Initiative, is working in collaboration with REDD+ Implementation Centre (REDD IC), Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MoFSC) in Gorkha, Dolakha and Chitwan districts. The major implementing works under this partnership are:
In this connection, REDD IC is organising a 2nd national review and planning meeting at Dhulikhel, Kavre 4-5 October 2016.
The rationale of the meeting is to prepare a comprehensive plan for next implementation phase of the collaborative REDD+ activities.
The overall objective of the meeting and workshop is to understand the current status of REDD+ activities in pilot districts (Gorkha, Dolakha and Chitwan) and to discuss activity plans for the coming implementation phase.
The specific objectives are to
The participants of the workshop will be from the national coordination committee (NCC) of REDD+ Himalaya project, ICIMOD’s Regional REDD+ Initiative and REDD Implementation Centre Nepal (REDD IC) and District Forest Officers and members of District Federation of Community Forest User Groups Nepal (FECOFUN) from pilot districts.