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Regional training workshop on

Air quality management: Air quality monitoring, data analysis, data communication, decision support tools, and GESI dimensions


ICIMOD, Kathmandu Nepal

Date & Time

18 July 2022 to 04 August 2022

About the workshop

This regional training workshop on air quality management will build on previous capacity-building activities organised by ICIMOD under its Atmospheric Watch Initiative (AWI). AWI will be organise the training workshop in collaboration with Grimm Aerosol Technik, Aerosol D.O.O, Thermofisher Scientific, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation and Real-time Solutions. We are expecting participants from government agencies, academia, and the private sector working in air pollution across the HKH region.


The training workshop aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of ICIMOD’s partners in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan to monitor air quality, analyse air quality data, and widen understanding of intersections between air quality and social and gender aspects. Furthermore, the event will facilitate South–South learning, knowledge, and experiences exchange around air quality management among partner countries.

Expected outcomes

The regional training workshop is expected to enhance air quality monitoring, outreach, and understanding of the gender and social dimensions of air pollution to support integrated and evidence-based policies and decision making – leading to air pollution mitigation for improved environmental and human health.

Training components

Operation, maintenance, and calibration of air quality monitoring instruments

The AWI in collaboration with Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan government partners has established state-of-the-art air quality stations with aerosol and trace gas measurement instruments and is expanding the collaboration to other partner countries as well. Over the years, the AWI has been organising training programmes to ensure the operation of the air quality monitoring networks and quality data by enhancing the capacities of the partner countries in the operation, maintenance, calibration, and troubleshooting of the instruments in the air quality monitoring stations. The participants will receive a hands-on training with the equipment, guided by experts from the manufacturing companies.

Dust monitoring instrument

The Environment Dust Monitor (or Grimm) is a primary instrument for the measurement of PM10, PM2.5, PM1, and total suspended particles in the air quality monitoring stations. Grimm requires regular servicing and calibration to ensure the highest quality of data. Thus, experts and engineer from the manufacturing company, Grimm Aerosol Technik, will be providing extensive training on operation, maintenance, and calibration.

Gas analyser instrument

Air quality monitoring stations need to be well-equipped with trace gas measurement instruments for the measurement of O3, SO2, CO, NO, NO2, and NOx. To ensure quality data generation from the instruments, a hands-on training will build skills on operation, maintenance, and servicing of the equipment by the manufacturing company, Thermofisher Scientific.

Black carbon monitoring instrument

Aethalometer (AE33) is used for the measurement of black carbon concentrations. The experts from the manufacturing company, Aerosol D.O.O, will provide a hands-on training to maintain, troubleshoot, and calibrate the instruments for their smooth operation and quality data generation.

Air quality data analytics

To strengthen partner countries’ capacity, the AWI has been providing training programmes on air quality data analysis for government officials and researchers involved in air quality monitoring and research. Building on previous capacity-building activities, the initiative in collaboration with Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation is providing a training on air quality data analytics. This training will cover a range of topics – from understanding data types to processing and visualisation.

Emissions measurement and inventory

Emission measurement is one of the key aspects to understand source contribution to air pollution. ICIMOD supports partner countries to develop emission inventories in different sectors to help the formulation of better mitigation policies. In this training workshop, ICIMOD’s experts will introduce tools and techniques necessary for emission measurements using Ratnoze.

Data analysis tool

As part of its activities on support data analysis, ICIMOD’s experts have developed a tool that augments the analysis of large quantities of data – especially the capability of abstracting the necessary air quality statistical parameters from a dataset. During this training workshop, the data analysis tool will be introduced to the participants.

The Air Quality Watch – HKH dashboard and outreach

The AWI has developed an integrated information platform linking air quality data from various platforms to support monitoring of the air quality in the HKH region. In this training workshop, in-house experts from ICIMOD will provide knowledge about air pollution monitoring, remote sensing, and atmospheric modelling associated with data communication and dissemination through the Air Quality Watch – HKH dashboard. The participants will work with the interactive Air Quality Watch dashboard to view remote-sensing based products and models, and in-situ measurements for the observation of selected air pollutants in specific locations of the region.

Air pollution information outreach is critical in shaping public perceptions as well as policies around air pollution. The topic is among the least reported issues, and reporting is mostly one-dimensional and sometimes even misleading. In this event, we are focusing on the importance of communication and outreach to build awareness and tackle air pollution issues.

Real-time data acquisition and communication

Transferring and achieving data from air quality monitoring stations to the server system is another important component of air quality observation systems. Air quality monitoring stations are equipped with a real-time data acquisition system. In this training workshop, experts from Real Time Solutions will introduce the participants to data communication systems.

Learning exchange in area of the air quality monitoring

Air quality monitoring, data generation, and data dissemination for public consumption and policy making are crucial for air quality management. The partner countries have adopted various technologies and methods to overcome monitoring challenges and develop their understanding of air pollution trends for better management of air quality and mitigation of air pollution. In this training workshop, we will help the partner countries exchange their learning and experiences. This will help scale out and scale up best practices for air quality monitoring activities in the region.

Air pollution and its gender and social dimensions

This session is focused on intersectional and multidimensional aspects of air pollution and society. This session broadly covers interlinkages among air pollution, socioeconomic and gender implications, and access and use of information. The participants will have conversations on who pollutes, who faces the consequences of the exposure, what are the capacities to reduce exposure to air pollution, and how environmental justice can be brought to the forefront. Similarly, the transition to reducing air pollution can also have unintended negative consequences on vulnerable groups, thus bringing to the forefront the issue of just transition. This session will therefore touch upon these important issues in air pollution.

About the AWI

The AWI has been providing various training workshops on the operation, maintenance, calibration, troubleshooting, and interpretation of air quality monitoring instruments since 2016. From its establishment, the initiative has been working towards improving the capability of partner countries to expand their air quality monitoring networks, and assess and analyse the air quality trends to support science-based policy and strategy development across the HKH region.

The initiative is engaged with leading government agencies in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan to tackle air quality issues by promoting and expanding air quality observation, enhancing their capacity to assess air quality trends, developing evidence-based policies, and supporting decision making. In addition, the AWI has been providing technical support and contributing in the development of national-level air quality assessments and a sectoral emission inventory.


All time stamps are in Nepal Standard Time (NPT).

Date Time Programme Speaker(s)
Training workshop opening (Hall: Kanchenjunga)
18 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Registration Participants
09:15–09:25 Introduction Bidya Banmali Pradhan, ad interim Regional Programme Manager, Atmosphere, ICIMOD
09:25–09:35 Welcome remarks Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, ICIMOD
09:35–09:45 Participants’ introduction Participants
09:45–10:00 Tea break and group photo
Black carbon monitoring instrument
18 July 2022 10:00–11:00 Introduction Štefan Ošlaj, Key Account Manager, Aerosol d.o.o
11:00–13:00 Basic operation of the instrument (Functional and flow diagram, DualSpotTM technology)
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–15:45 Installation and setup (introduction of all the accessories), user interface, troubleshooting Štefan Ošlaj, Key Account Manager, Aerosol d.o.o
15:45–16:30 Quality control tests, service, and maintenance procedures
16:30–16:45 Tea break
16:45–17:00 General discussion about AE33 Participants
19 July 2022 09:15–10:45 Quality control tests, service, and maintenance procedures Štefan Ošlaj, Key Account Manager, Aerosol d.o.o
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–12:15 Quality control tests, service, and maintenance procedures Štefan Ošlaj, Key Account Manager, Aerosol d.o.o
12:15–13:00 General discussion about AE33
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–15:00 Data handling, AE33 data capture, and AE33 data structure and verification Štefan Ošlaj, Key Account Manager, Aerosol d.o.o
15:00–15:45 Data presentation
15:45–16:00 Tea break
16:00–16:45 CAAT (Carbonaceous Aerosol Analysis Tool) Štefan Ošlaj, Key Account Manager, Aerosol d.o.o
16:45–17:00 Q/A
20 July 2022 09:15–10:45 Detailed service procedures – Disassembling an instrument Primož Vidmar, Head of Production, Aerosol d.o.o
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–12:00 Disassembling an optical chamber Primož Vidmar, Head of Production, Aerosol d.o.o
12:00–13:00 Assembling the instrument to complete stage
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–15:45 Starting up procedures Primož Vidmar, Head of Production, Aerosol d.o.o
15:45–16:00 Tea break
16:00–17:00 Final inspection record check Primož Vidmar, Head of Production, Aerosol d.o.o
Air quality data analytics
21 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Introduction Sivaranjani Subramanian, Vice President, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation


09:15–09:45 Introduction to the training programme, concept quiz using AhaSlides, recap of previous training programmes
09:45–10:45 Environmental data quality checks – outliers, missing data, repeat values, descriptive statistics Jay Mehta, Senior Environmental Engineer, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Hypothesis testing and comparison of data sets – Basic statistical parameters (mean, median, standard deviation, variance, data distribution types), significance and hypothesis testing, T-Test, Z-tests Jay Mehta, Senior Environmental Engineer, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–16:00 Hands-on exercise on MS Excel Jay Mehta, Senior Environmental Engineer, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
16:00–16:30 Installation of RStudio, libraries, and packages in RStudio Ekonnect team
16:30–17:00 Q/A and AhaSlides
22 July 2022 09:00–09:15 AhaSlides quiz for recap
09:15–10:15 Recap of basic coding skills and syntax in RStudio Sivaranjani Subramanian, Vice President, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
10:15–10:45 Data quality checks using RStudio Aditya Gusain, Senior Environmental Engineer, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–12:00 Hypothesis testing and comparison of datasets in RStudio Sivaranjani Subramanian, Vice President, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
12:00–13:00 Linear regression, trends, and violations analysis Aditya Gusain, Senior Environmental Engineer, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–16:00 Meteorological data analysis with RStudio and openair package Aditya Gusain, Senior Environmental Engineer, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
16:00–16:30 Data-driven decision making Jay Mehta, Senior Environmental Engineer and Aditya Gusain, Senior Environmental Engineer, Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation
16:30–16:45 Participants’ feedback and AhaSlides quiz
16:45–17:00 Closing
  17:30–21:00 Reception dinner Tukuche Restaurant, Jhamsikhel
Data analysis tool
23 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Registration
09:15–10:45 Use of data analysis tools Suresh Pokhrel, Research Associate, ICIMOD
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–12:00 Use of data plotting tool and hands-on exercise Suresh Pokhrel, Research Associate, ICIMOD
12:00–13:00 Lunch break and closing
Emission measurement and inventory
24 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Registration
09:15–10:45 Use of emissions equipment and emissions factor analysis using carbon mass balance method Sagar Adhikari, Research Associate, ICIMOD
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–12:00 Emissions inventory development Bhupendra Das, Research Faculty, Pokhara University
12:00–17:00 Lunch break and exposure visit to ICIMOD Knowledge Park, Godavari
The Air Quality Watch – HKH dashboard and outreach
25 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Registration
09:15–10:15 Introduction to air quality models Bhupesh Adhikary, Senior Air Quality Specialist, ICIMOD
10:15–10:25 Q/A
10:25–10:40 Tea break
10:40–11:40 Introduction to remote sensing for air quality and upcoming products from NASA AST Poonam Tripathi, Geospatial Training Analyst, ICIMOD
11:40–11:50 Q/A  
11:50–12:50 Hands-on introduction to air quality interactive dashboard Kiran Shakya, Geospatial Application Development Specialist, ICIMOD
12:50–13:00 Q/A  
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–15:00 Narrowcasting exercise Antenna Foundation, Nepal
16:00–16:45 Effective outreach – getting research to use Mona Sharma, Communications officer, ICIMOD
16:45–17:00 Last-mile solutions
Dust monitoring instrument
26 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Introduction Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik


09:15–10:45 Presentation on environment dust monitoring, working principles and operation of Grimm Environment Dust Monitor (EDM) 180 and installation
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Details presentations on spare parts, flow path, inlet dryer system, and photodetector Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–17:00 Instrument connection on HyperTerminal and demonstration Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
27 July 2022 09:15–10:45 Inspection with service protocol Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Dismounting of spectrometer, pre-comparation, and cleaning Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–16:00 Faults search and repair, replacement of pumps Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
16:00–17:00 Laser assembly maintenance
28 July 2022 09:15–10:45 Preparation for calibration and laser adjustment Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Usage of calibration software


Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–16:45 Automatic calibration, dolomite, and ambient air validation


Tobias Hoff, Service Specialist, Grimm Aerosol Technik
16:45–17:0 0 Q/A
Real-time data acquisition and communication
29 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Introduction Saroj Dhoj Joshi, MD, Real Time Solutions


09:15–10:45 Presentation on data logger system and instrument interface
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Hands-on exercise on troubleshooting data logger faults Anima Shrestha, Application Engineer, Real Time Solutions
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–17:00 Server system and time series software


Saroj Dhoj Joshi, MD, Real Time Solutions
Learning exchange in area of the air quality monitoring
30 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Registration
09:15–10:15 Knowledge and experience sharing CPCB India
10:15–10:45 Sharing of experiences and issues on data generation and use Participants
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–12:00 Sharing of experiences and issues on data generation and use Participants
12:00–13:00 Lunch break and closing
Differential impacts of air pollution on society
31 July 2022 09:00–09:15 Registration
09:15–10:00 Environmental justice: Protecting the vulnerable from air pollution Amina Maharjan, Interim Theme Leader, Livelihoods, and Senior Specialist Livelihoods and Migration, ICIMOD
10:10–10:15 Q/A
10:15–10:30 Tea break
10:30–11:15 Just transition: Ensuring inclusive benefits and reducing unintended negative consequences on vulnerable groups Sugat Bajracharya, Socioeconomic Survey and Data Analyst, ICIMOD
11:15–12:00 Interactive discussion on environmental justice and just transition aspects in air pollution Amina Maharjan and Sugat Bajracharya, ICIMOD
12:00–17:00 Lunch break and exposure visit to Chandragiri
Gas analyser instrument
1 August 2022 09:00–09:15 Introduction Pramod Chavan, Radheshyam Yadav, and Shakti Singh, Thermo Fisher Scientific
09:15–10:15 Presentation on trace gas measurement and gas analysers (iSeries); illustration of system components and flow path Pramod Chavan, General Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
10:15–10:45 Connecting instrument to iPort, its operation, and downloading data Shakti Singh, Senior Engineer, Thermo Fisher Scientific
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Group work: Basic operation and maintenance of 49i ozone analysers Radheshyam Yadav, Senior Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–17:00 Hands-on training: Zero and span calibration of ozone analysers Shakti Singh, Senior Engineer, Thermo Fisher Scientific
2 August 2022 09:15–10:45 Group work: Basic operation and maintenance of 42i TL NOx analysers Pramod Chavan, General Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Group work: Basic operation and maintenance of 43i TLE SO2 analysers Radheshyam Yadav, Senior Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–17:00 Hands-on training: Zero and span calibration of SO2 and NOx analysers Shakti Singh, Senior Engineer, Thermo Fisher Scientific
3 August 2022 09:15–10:45 Group work: Basic operation and maintenance of 48i TLE CO analysers Pramod Chavan, General Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Group work: Basic operation and maintenance of 1160i Zero Air Generator Radheshyam Yadav, Senior Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–17:00 Hands-on training: Zero and span calibration of CO analysers Shakti Singh, Senior Engineer, Thermo Fisher Scientific
4 August 2022 09:15–10:45 Group work: Basic operation and maintenance of 146i DGC analysers Radheshyam Yadav, Senior Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
10:45–11:00 Tea break
11:00–13:00 Group work: Installation and flow path adjustment and maintenance of gas sampling system Shakti Singh, Senior Engineer, Thermo Fisher Scientific
13:00–14:00 Lunch break
14:00–15:30 Hands-on exercise on GSS Pramod Chavan, General Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Closing ceremony
4 August 2022 15:30–16:15 Feedback from representatives of each country partner Participants
16:15–16:30 Certificate distribution Bidya Banmali Pradhan, ad interim Regional Programme Manager, Atmosphere, ICIMOD
16:30–16:40 Closing remarks
16:40–17:00 Vote of thanks Siva Praveen Puppala, ad interim Programme Coordinator, Atmospheric Watch Initiative, ICIMOD