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Mainstreaming indigenous and local knowledge systems into adaptation communication for the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region




ICIMOD, Kathmandu

Date & Time

10 August 2023 to 11 August 2023

Organisers: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, ICIMOD-HUC, AMARC-AP, Keio University, HNB Garhwal University-India, Ministry of Climate Change-Pakistan, BHRI-Bhutan


About the workshop

Indigenous, traditional, and local knowledge (ITLK) systems are diverse forms of knowledge prevalent across the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. ITLK systems are often integrated into livelihood strategies and coping strategies for climate change impacts. With the support of the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), and partners including ICIMOD-HUC, HNV Garwal University, AMARC-Asia Pacific (AP), Ministry of Climate Change – Pakistan, Bhutan Himalayan Research Initiatives (BHRI)-Bhutan, Royal University of Bhutan, and Keio University,  the CAPaBLE project “Development of adaptation communication framework mainstreaming indigenous and local knowledge for Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region” was developed. As a result, various investigations, capacity building, and new initiatives have been started, including a new HUC thematic working group on ILK and LLA. This workshop provides an ideal opportunity to share and showcase the findings of this initiative and discuss steps for follow-up.



The two-day workshop aims to:

  • Share the activities and findings of the project
  • Share the outcome and impacts of capacity building involving community radios
  • Discuss the framework for mainstreaming bottom-up adaptation communication of ITLK climate actions and initiatives
  • Discuss the way forward for promoting ITLK as a basis for locally-led climate action



Time (NPT) Programme Speakers
09:30–10:00 Welcome and opening remarks

Group photo

Pema Gyamtsho, Director General, ICMOD

Osamu Mizuno, Programme Director Water and Adaptation, IGES

Yam Prasad Pokharel, Director General, Forest Research and Training Centre and Focal Person for Nepal, APN

10:00–10:20 Project introduction Binaya Raj Shivakoti, Senior Policy Researcher (Water and Adaptation), IGES
10:20–11:00 Project activities and outcomes in India

Presentation 1: Climate change perception and adaptations of indigenous communities in central Himalayan, Uttarakhand, India

Presentation 2: Local Indigenous knowledge of ethnoveterinary and uses of medicinal plants in central Himalayan rural landscape, Uttarakhand, India

Presentation 3: ILK application for urban planning

Rakesh Maikhuri, Professor, HNV Garwal University

Rakesh Maikhuri, HNV Garwal University

Ravindra Singh, Guest Faculty, Department of Environmental Sciences, HNV Garwal University

Harshit Sosan Lakra, Professor, IIT Rorkee, India

11:00–11:40 Project activities and outcomes in Bhutan

Call for regional investments and interventions in intangible cultural heritage research related to farming in the Bhutan Himalaya

Presentation 1: Connecting nature and farming through the traditional rice plantation ritual practice in the western region of Bhutan

Presentation 2: Cattle herds held at helm for sustaining livelihood by revering and propitiating in the southern communities of Bhutan by

Phanchung, Executive Director, Bhutan Himalayan Research Initiatives

Namgyel Wangmo, Research Officer, Bhutan Himalayan Research Initiatives

Yeshi Choden, Research Officer, Bhutan Himalayan Research Initiatives

11:40–13:10 Lunch break
13:10–13:40 Project activities and outcomes in Pakistan

Special keynote: Current state of climate change impact and challenges for adaptation at the local level in Pakistan

Hadika Jamshaid, Advisor to Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, Pakistan

Saima Saifique, Program Manager, Ministry of Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, Pakistan

13:40–14:00 Project activities by HUC Chi Huyen Truong (Shachi), Programme Coordinator, HUC Secretariat
Community Media Session
14:00–14:30 Project activities and outcomes by AMARC

Presentation 1: Capacity building of community radios in HKH

Presentation 2: Demonstration of radio programme

Suman Basnet, Regional Director, AMARC-AP
14:30–15:00 Tea and refreshments
15:00–16:30 Community media discussion session

Moderated by: Suman Basnet, AMARC-AP

Representatives from community media broadcasters

Time (NPT) Programme Speakers
09:30–10:30 Challenges for identifying, validating and documenting ILK

(Framing presentation followed by discussion)

Binaya Raj Shivakoti, IGES
10:30–12:00 Opportunities for promoting and communicating ILK effectively

  • Research and education
  • Media and information technology
  • Youth engagement
  • Regional collaboration
All participants
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30–15:00 Discussion on establishing bottom-up approach of adaptation communication in relation to ILK

  • Approaches of communication at the local level
  • Connecting local and national levels
All participants
15:00–15:30 Tea & refreshments
15:30–16:30 Summarising outcomes and impacts

Way forward


All participants