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SustaIndus: Targeting a climate change hotspot: Science to support the SDGs and sustainable water management in the transboundary Indus River basin

SustaIndus is a four-year international collaborative research project started in 2019 by a consortium of Utrecht University, Wageningen University and Research, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) Pakistan, and Climate Adaptation Services (CAS) Foundation.



Date & Time

04 September 2019 to 05 September 2019

The project will develop a modelling toolkit and pathways that contribute to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 6, and 7 (related to food, water, and energy, respectively) in the transboundary Indus River basin. These SDGs will be translated to Indus-specific SDGs (IDGs), and the feasibility of achieving them and trade-offs between them will be quantified.The project will assess the combined impact of climate and socioeconomic changes on water-dependent food and energy resources. It will also identify interventions that are most appropriate for increasing adaptive capacity at a local scale. Combining results from field-scale research with a top–down basin-scale modelling approach, the project will assess the scalability, trade-offs, and synergies between the three SDGs at the basin scale and develops adaptation pathways to balance the SDGs for the entire Indus basin.

SustaIndus launch workshop

The SustaIndus launch workshop on 4–5 September 2019 aims to bring together the consortium partners (who are co-organizing the workshop) in the efforts towards determining a sustainable approach to climate change action in the Indus basin. This will also help bring more clarity and understanding among the partners on the intended outcomes and results of the project.

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