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Training Workshop on Biometrics, Experimental Design and Data Analysis


Ecosystem Services


Everest Meeting hall, ICIMOD

Date & Time

12 September 2017 to 18 September 2017

Prabha Shrestha


In order to enhance the staff’s capacity in scientific research and writing, the Ecosystems Services theme will be presenting a hands-on workshop on biometrics, experimental design, and data analysis using Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) which will benefit young professionals at ICIMOD who are interested in conducting both field and lab work in the field of ecology, environment science, conservation biology, geography, earth science, as well as social science.


The Ecosystems Services theme aims to provide a platform for young professionals in conducting replicated field studies and learning about biometrics, principles of experimental designs, data analysis, and output interpretation. The examples are mostly from agricultural and biological sciences but several sections will also be applicable to social sciences.

Targeted Audience

All young professionals at ICIMOD interested in conducting replicated field studies and learning about biometrics, principles of experimental designs, data analysis, and output interpretation. Senior level people interested in refreshing their knowledge and skills are also welcome.

Course Objective

  • To provide a “working knowledge” of statistics. This course will not dwell on theory of statistics any more than necessary to explain certain topics.
  • To learn various experimental designs (e.g. completely randomized design, randomized complete block design, split-plot design, factorials etc.)
  • To learn how to analyze data (e.g. analysis of variance, regression and correlation, principal component analysis etc.).
  • To learn how to interpret statistical data
  • To learn how to present statistical results
  • To interpret and critique results of scientific publications

Anticipated Learning Outcomes

  • Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to correctly plan, analyze, and interpret data from experiments conducted
  • Trainees will be able to conduct common statistical analysis using the software programs Excel and SPSS.
  • Trainees will be able to interpret results and statistical analyses commonly employed in the scientific literature including social sciences.