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Chitwan, Nepal
09 October 2023 to 11 October 2023
Organisers: ICIMOD, HUC, AFU
The Green Resilient Agricultural Productive Ecosystem (GRAPE) project (particularly Field of Action 2), in collaboration with the Himalayan University Consortium (HUC) and Agricultural and Forestry University (AFU), is organising a two–day consultative workshop for university faculty members and administrators on the importance of the integration and development of a curriculum on climate-resilient agriculture. The workshop aims to sensitise university stakeholders on the importance of climate-resilient agriculture, the role of the academic curriculum in improving overall climate resilience, and the process of incorporation of climate-resilient strategies into academic programmes.
Agriculture remains the largest sector in Nepal’s economy. The quality workforce in agriculture comprises graduates from tertiary education institutions in Nepal and neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a decisive role in generating a high-quality workforce, with future-ready knowledge and skills that will help ensure the transition to a climate-resilient economy. Fulfilling this role is a step forward in increasing the relevance and social accountability of higher education, aiming to enhance the employability of graduates, directly serving the local and national economy.
The adoption of innovative technologies gave the agriculture sector a boost during the shift from subsistence to commercial farming in Nepal. Following the demands for employable graduates, climate-resilient technologies were introduced into the curricula of HEIs at all levels. However, this integration process has lacked systematic planning and effective coordination. There is also uncertainty about the best ways to incorporate issues of climate change into the curriculum, whether as a stand–alone multidisciplinary course or as cross–cutting theme in the existing disciplines. Meanwhile, there are concerns on the account of the contested values involved, the overcrowding of the syllabus, and the lack of expertise and practical experience on the instructors’ part. These practical constraints add to the existing issues of the curricula: theory–based and lacking diverse alternatives.
Session objectives: i) To what extent climate-resilient agriculture knowledge and technologies are taught in their university; ii) Specific pathways/entry points to incorporate these contents into the curricula at their university
Institute of Forestry & Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong
Tea break
Session objectives: Increasing the relevance and social accountability of higher education, aiming to enhance the employability of graduates, directly serving the local and national economy
Presentation from Nepal Biotechnology Association (NBA)
Dhurva Prasad Gauchan, Vice President, NBA, Nepal
Session co-hosts: Arjun Kumar Shrestha, Dean, FOA-AFU and Chi Huyen Truong (Shachi), HUC–ICIMOD
Preparation of faculty-based action plan for integration into new curriculum