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Vanishing Springs in the Himalaya: Synthesizing Current State of Knowledge

Springs are the main source of water for millions of people in the mid hills of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH). Both rural and urban communities depend on springs for meeting their drinking, domestic, and agricultural water needs. In addition, springs play an important role in providing water for ecosystem services. There is increasing evidence that springs are drying up or their discharge is reducing, and the quality of spring water is deteriorating throughout the HKH. As a result, communities are facing unprecedented water stress. The exact extent of this problem is not well known given that there is a dearth of scientific studies.


ICIMOD Godavari Knowledge Park, Kathmandu

Date & Time

13 March 2018 to 15 March 2018

Several non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations have been implementing spring revival activities in the Indian Himalaya since the past five years with technical guidance from the Advanced Center for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM). These organizations include CHIRAG, PSI, Himmothan, and ECS, among others. From 2015 onwards, ICIMOD has also started working on springs in the Nepal Himalaya, again in close cooperation with ACWADAM.

However, while a lot of work has been done—comprehensive methodologies have been developed and implemented and springs have been revived, there is very little scientific documentation of the approaches and results. Through this three-day long writing workshop, we want to ensure that all relevant knowledge on spring revival in the region is documented and published as a scientific publication—either as a special issue of a journal or an edited book.

Objectives of the workshop:
  • Present case studies and draft articles on various aspects of spring revival for peer feedback.
  • Planning for the publication, including table of contents for each of the chapter/papers.
  • Discuss timelines and roles and responsibilities.
  • Outline of an edited book/special issue of a journal and with firm deadlines.
  • Discussion with journals/publishers based on this outline.


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