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Himalica chose to set up and promote a sea buckthorn value chain in Pakistan to strengthen the livelihoods and resilience of mountain men and women in Gilgit Baluchistan. The sea buckthorn value chains was selected based on its ecological significance, comparative advantage, and market potential, as well as its socio-economic benefits and the growing relevance of plant and animals in a changing context affected by climate change and other factors.
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Office, International Solar Energy Centre for Technology Promotion and Transfer, Lanzhou, China
04 February 2018 to 07 February 2018
Over a relatively short time period, the Himalica pilot has mobilized farmers and local organizations, increased their awareness and skills on farming practices, and contributed to value addition at the local level. It has also fostered market development, rural enterprise development, and private sector linkages.
Sea buckthorn is found in most of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, and is a niche high value multipurpose crop. Building on the successful experiences of its Pakistan pilot, ICIMOD would like to explore the regional potential of a sea buckthorn value chain to strengthen alternative livelihood options for mountain men and women across the HKH.
ICIMOD would like to explore avenues for regional collaboration with potential partner organizations (public and private) for the exchange of knowledge, research, and business-to-business linkages. The centre hopes that such regional partnerships will evolve as necessary and sustain in the long run.