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Participatory visual methods for grassroots policy advocacy


Strategic Group 3 & Action Area E


ICIMOD headquarters, Kathmandu

Date & Time

26 May 2023

About the workshop

This workshop introduces the use of participatory visual methods as a tool for advocacy, with an emphasis on bottom-up policy communications. Broadly, visual methods involve the use of photography, video, artwork, and other media in research and engagement activities. The emphasis of this session will be on the use of video. Using visual methods opens a space for creativity, where new ideas, interpretations, and subjective knowledge can enter a discussion. Visual methods can be central to participant-led investigations of issues that are important to a particular group of people, in a particular context, and at a particular time. Participatory visual methods can also be integrated into a wide range of activities and projects, including participatory action research, that have been used to address unequal power relations and other ethical concerns and limitations.

The workshop will bring media and other stakeholders engaged in advocacy from the HKH region. This workshop is part of HUC’s campaign to help bring wider awareness about millet production and its significance in addressing food security among policymakers, the media and the wider public. We believe this will provide insights and guidance to policy makers, development organisations, and other relevant stakeholders in formulating millet-related policies, initiatives, and articulating the issues through the media and other platforms in the region.



The workshop will provide opportunities for participants to learn about participatory visual methods, create a short film using a camera kit, and develop a policy advocacy plan.


Expected outcomes

At the end of this workshop, the participants will:

  • Understand the strengths, weaknesses, and possibilities for participatory visual methods in their projects and programmes
  • Gain a foundation for understanding participatory visual methods, designing, and facilitating participatory visual methods activities, and developing grassroots policy/advocacy plans



10:30–16:30 (NPT)

All sessions will be conducted by Grady Walker, University of Reading and Co-lead, Thematic Working Group on Mountain Agriculture, HUC

Time (NPT) Programme
10:30–11:30 Welcome


Theoretical background

11:30–12:30 Developing stories with a storyboard
12:30–13:30 Lunch
13:30–14:30 Practice with the camera

Shooting the storyboards

14:30–15:30 Shooting continued

Screening of short movies

15:30–16:30 Developing policy advocacy plan
