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21 Jan 2021 | Announcements

Expression of interest for ICIMOD Sixth Quinquennial Review

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(The submission for expressions of interest is closed.)

After more than 36 years of operations, the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) is going to commission a Sixth Quinquennial Review (QQR) covering the period 2017 to 2021, to review past achievements, critical issues, the current work programme and to identify clear options for the future.

The purpose of the QQR is to provide accountability to its Board of Governors, ICIMOD Support Group, and other stakeholders and to strengthen ICIMOD’s functioning based on the review conclusions and recommendations. As a regional intergovernmental learning and knowledge sharing centre, ICIMOD serves its eight member countries of the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region which include Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.

ICIMOD is seeking expressions of interest from consultancy firms for this QQR. Individual consultants are not qualified to apply.

For interested applicant firms, an Expression of Interest (EOI) must be structured in the following format and submitted by 22 February 2021 to the email For all relevant details, please download the QQR terms of reference (ToR) from:

1. Firm introduction (1-2 pages)

2. Organizational capacity (maximum 3 pages)

In line with the expertise requirements detailed in the ToR section 3.1, applicants must present CVs that demonstrate the expertise and experience of key experts (no more than 5 persons) in having evaluated similar organizations

3. Clear description of expertise and experience in organizational evaluation with technical, environmental, social, gender, and equity aspects (1 page)
4. Documentation of prior approaches and methodologies in conducting organizational evaluations (2 pages)

5. In an annex, provide financial and performance management documentation

EOIs will be evaluated based on the following criteria: organizational capacity (30%); experience and expertise (30%); approach and methodology (30%); and financial and performance management documentation (10%).

The following declaration is required with the signature of the proposed team leader:

I declare that to the best of my knowledge all information provided in this EOI is correct. I understand that the information will be used to assess my organization’s suitability to proceed to the full proposal submission stage for the ICIMOD QRR and I am signing on behalf of my organization.

I understand that ICIMOD may reject this EOI in the case of: failure to fully provide all required and relevant information; evidence of false or misleading information; or any other circumstance ICIMOD may deem disqualifying.

Download Terms of Reference

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