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2 mins Read
12 January 2024, Kathmandu, Nepal
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) have formalized a strategic partnership through Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony, held in Kathmandu. This ceremony marks a significant milestone in their collaborative efforts to strengthen partnership towards climate-resilient agri-food system transformation in Bhutan and Nepal.
Dr. Pema Gyamtsho, Director-General of ICIMOD, and Mr. Ken Shimizu, FAO-Representative for Bhutan and Nepal signed the MoU in presence of Dr. Qu Dongyu, Director-General of FAO, Ms. Hanna Singer-Hamdy, UN Resident Coordinator in Nepal, esteemed dignitaries, experts, and representatives from both organizations.
With a shared commitment to addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by mountain communities, FAO and ICIMOD are pooling their expertise, knowledge, innovation, technology, and networks to promote GESI responsive sustainable agricultural practices, improve natural resource management, and strengthen the overall resilience in the agri-food systems. This collaborative effort aims to tackle pressing issues such as climate change, land degradation, water scarcity, feminization, and agrobiodiversity loss.
The strategic collaboration between FAO and ICIMOD closely aligns with the vision outlined in the Mustang Declaration on Sustainable Mountain Solutions signed in September 2022, emphasizing the imperative need for cooperative endeavors among stakeholders to address challenges faced by mountain communities.
FAO and ICIMOD focus on key areas including sustainable agriculture and livestock systems, food and nutrition security, climate change adaptation, and capacity building. Their collaboration aims to strengthen food production, food and nutrition security, and economic benefits for mountain communities through inclusive practices, improved watershed management, and diverse production systems. These efforts also strive to tackle weather-related challenges, and build resilience by adopting gender-responsive practices, providing climate information, and empowering vulnerable groups through skill development and early warning systems.
The ceremony comprised a series of events, featuring high-level bilateral discussions among key officials from FAO and ICIMOD, focusing on collaborative strategies, shared objectives, and joint initiatives. Remarks delivered by the respective Director-Generals underscored the significance of this partnership in advancing regional impact and promoting sustainable mountain development.
Expressing profound optimism, Pema Gyamtsho, Director General of ICIMOD said, “This collaboration aims at combining the expertise of FAO and ICIMOD to address the intricate challenges faced by mountain communities. Our joint efforts aim to cultivate sustainable agricultural practices, fortify natural resource management, and enhance resilience in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region.”
Dr. Qu Dongyu, Director-General of FAO said “As we navigate the intricate landscapes of challenges faced by mountain communities and vulnerable populations, the FAO stands committed to forging a robust partnership with ICIMOD. Together, we cultivate resilience, sow the seeds of sustainable development, and contribute to agri-food system transformation.”
This partnership sets the stage for intensified collaboration between FAO and ICIMOD, promising impactful regional and country-level actions in the Hindu Kush Himalayan countries. Drawing upon their collective strengths, the organizations will work hand in hand to tackle the complex challenges confronting mountain communities and pave the way for sustainable development.
For media inquiries in ICIMOD, please contact:
Annie Dare, Head of Communications
Raz Tuladhar, Media Officer
Anshu Pandey, Senior Associate
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