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Kathmandu, Nepal, 12 January: As the world comes to terms with the effects of global environmental change on zoonotic disease risks and the links between biodiversity and habitat loss, global pandemics such as COVID-19, and climate change, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) community, of which ICIMOD is a Charter member, is issuing a powerful prescription for averting these crises, with seven recommendations to harness the power of landscapes to safeguard biodiversity.
A new document by the GLF and Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL), One World, One Health: recommendations for harnessing the power of landscapes, confronts such realities as the mass extinction that could see up to a million species disappear from the earth in the coming decades. It outlines seven immediate steps:
These are some recommendations from the report One World, One Health, which is being released today. These solutions and potent pathways grew out of the GLF Biodiversity Digital Conference 2020 “One World, One Health” (28-29 October 2020), which reached 35 million people on social media.
ICIMOD hosted a session at the One World, One Health conference to highlight the links between biodiversity, landscapes, culture, and health in a post-COVID “new normal”. Speakers from Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan participated in the session to address critical questions related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH).
This report by GLF builds on ICIMOD’s session at the GLF Biodiversity Conference and included the HKH Call to Action as part of the recommendations.
“The HKH is facing rapid population growth, unsustainable development, migration and climate change, with COVID-19 further compounding these challenges,” said Pema Gyamtsho, Director General of ICIMOD at the GLF Biodiversity Conference last year.
The GLF community is reminding the world it can afford to invest in conserving biodiversity by re-focusing its subsidies. In 2012, the CBD estimated that it would require between US$ 150-440 billion annually to achieve its Aichi Targets. Currently, governments spend upwards of US$ 500 billion on environmentally harmful subsidies.
The recommendations contribute to the work around the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, which is to be adopted by the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) this year. It will also contribute to the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030) and play a significant role in promoting solutions regarding sustainable use and conservation of our planet’s biodiversity.
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尼泊尔加德满都讯——国际山地综合发展中心 (ICIMOD) 和可持续地球全球联盟 (GASP) 联手促进兴都库什-喜马拉雅(HKH) 的社会与环境变革。 双方签署了一份谅解备忘录 (MoU)以开展合作,联手促进农村及山区生活质量得到改善,同时为子孙后代保护该地区的生态系统。 兴都库什-喜马拉雅(HKH) 地区从阿富汗延伸到缅甸,横跨巴基斯坦、印度、中国、尼泊尔、不丹和孟加拉,拥有 10 个主要河流流域、四分之一人口和全球第三大冰冻水域。然而,科学家们越来越担心气候危机对该地区的影响,对整个地区居民的生命与生计构成威胁。 在合作伙伴关系下,国际山地综合发展中心 (ICIMOD) 和可持续地球全球联盟 (GASP)将促进与当地居民和弱势社区的磋商和参与纳入相关研究。 国际山地综合发展中心 (ICIMOD)将分享其与八个区域成员国的当地社区合作 的40 年经验,还会将其见解整合到更广泛的区域和政策论坛中。这种伙伴关系将使它们能够支持当地社区的声音和解决方案,并增加投资流量。 国际山地综合发展中心总干事白马·嘉措博士说:“与可持续地球全球联盟 (GASP)的这种伙伴关系能够加强我们在这一领域的工作——支持当地社区的声音与解决方案,并增加投资流量。通过我们在林业社区的工作,我们多次看到将当地见解融入政策制定的益处。 可持续地球全球联盟 (GASP)秘书长萨蒂亚·特里帕蒂 (Satya S. ...