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10 Feb 2015 | News

Hands on Training on Herbal Gardening for Teachers of Bhutan

At the request of Renewable Natural Resources Research of Bhutan (CoRRB) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forest in Bhutan, ICIMOD provided eight days hands-on training on herbal gardening to Bhutanese teachers at the ICIMOD Knowledge Park in Godavari from 19-26 December 2014. The training was supported by the DANIDA Fellowship Center (DFC).

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ICIMOD, in collaboration with CoRRB, began promoting herbal gardens in Bhutan’s schools in 2012. Children plant medicinal herbs in their schoolyard, watch them grow, and learn more about them through various sources. These gardens have provided them an opportunity to learn about medicinal plants and their importance. To further enhance their knowledge about herbs, teachers engage them in creative activities such as eco-clubs, story writing, poster making, painting, etc.

Among the 18 teachers who participated in the eight-day training, six were male and 12 female. They learned to identify medicinal herbs and to manage and harvest them, as well as about the methods for drying, processing and storing herbs. They visited Dabur Nepal in Kavre and learned about the value chain of some of the medicinal herbs such as Chiraito and Taxus species. They also visited the Herbal Processing and Production Company, Ltd in Koteshwor, where they observed how medicinal plants and herbs are used in products such as Iodex, Vicks and Sancho for commercial purposes. During the feedback session, the participants reported that the training would enable them to create a herbal garden in their school and raise school children’s awareness about the importance of medicinal plants and their uses.

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5 Jun 2023 Press releases

距人类首登世界之巅已70年,而气候紧急情况发生在此:在兴都库什-喜马拉雅区域内,三分之二的冰川预计将在本世纪末消失。 领先的山地机构国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)、尼泊尔登山协会(NMA)和山区伙伴关系(Mountain Partnership) 呼吁全世界来拯救地球上的冰雪,以避免为时过晚。 #“拯救我们的雪”宣言在最初48小时内就收集到1000多个签名,其中包括新西兰前总理、各国外交官、传奇登山者和著名地球科学家。 尼泊尔加德满都讯(2023 年 5 月 29 日)——七十年前的今天,在埃德蒙·希拉里爵士和丹增·诺尔盖首次登上珠峰 ; 70 年后的今天,地球上最高的山峰正在经历由全球变暖引起的前所未有且基本不可逆的变化。 全球变暖正在危及珠峰与兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区的环境,该地区横跨八个国家,约长3500公里。根据目前的排放情况,科学家预计在未来70年内,该地区三分之二的冰川或将消融。 国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)在包括 尼泊尔登山协会 和 山区伙伴关系(联合国自愿伙伴联盟)在内的全球山地机构的支持下,呼吁公众支持 #拯救我们的雪(#SaveOurSnow)运动。该运动要求公众: 在社交平台分享来自世界各地山区的故事和照片,使用#SaveOurSnow 标签 强调气候影响; 在网址 签署一份宣言,呼吁各国政府兑现将升温限制在 1.5 ...

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