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As part of the Landscape Initiative in Far Eastern Himalaya (HI-LIFE), the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and its partners conducted an intensive ethnobotanical study in nine villages in Putao, Myanmar in the first two weeks of May 2018. The study will help refine its project interventions in Myanmar and provide a scientific basis for government planning and policies to better conserve plant diversity and enhance livelihoods of the people dependent on these plant resources. As part of the study, the team also documented local and indigenous knowledge and traditional practices associated with plants, their use and conservation, and related management issues.
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The study was conducted with a joint team from the Forest Department (FD) under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Conservation (MONREC) in Myanmar, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), ICIMOD, and the Southeast Biodiversity Research Institute (SEABRI) using various participatory study tools and techniques that they had learned at a training held from 24 to 28 April 2018 in Putao, Myanmar. The nine villages covered were: Wasangdam, Namru Htu, Namru, Awat Dam, Ziyadam, Wang Hlaing Dam, Sawlawdi, Long Dam, and Khalang.
At present the data and information gathered by the study team are being analysed.
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