In recent decades, the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) has been affected by rising emissions of air pollutants from urban, industrial, and rural sources. This has raised concerns about deteriorating air quality, impacts on health and visibility, changes in atmospheric heating and cooling, increasing stratospheric pollution above the Tibetan Plateau, deposition of light absorbing substances onto snow and ice surfaces, and increasing melting of the cryosphere in the HKH.
Targeted messaging around air quality and related issues is critical to improve public understanding and decision maker access to air quality related knowledge in our regional member countries.
Air quality issues have caught the attention of the public, policy makers, and researchers, but there still is a lack of common understanding of this complex issue. Consistent amplification of messaging around air quality and its impacts help respond to this rapidly growing challenge and robust awareness on air quality and related issues is critical.
ICIMOD’s environmental and scientific knowledge transfer modalities are designed to enable communication pathways that reach out to and connect all stakeholders involved in air pollution mitigation.
Explore the many dimensions of air quality in Bhutan, Nepal, and Pakistan through these incisive documentaries, videos, and radio stories!
What are some locally relevant air pollution issues in Nepal? Listen and watch how air pollution affects our society in Nepali, Newari (Nepal Bhasa), Tharu, Maithali, and Tamang languages.
What are some locally relevant air pollution issues in Pakistan? Listen to and watch how air pollution affects our society in Urdu and Shina languages.