
The activities aim to protect and promote populations of indigenous honeybees and other insect pollinators, and thereby ensure crop pollination and food security, maintain biodiversity and improve the resilience of mountain communities to climate change. Consequently, the whole of society is the ultimate target group for this initiative. However, at the planning and implementation level distinct groups of beneficiaries are addressed:

  • Government and non-governmental organisations and agencies will have improved capacities for the development and implementation of policies to maintain ecosystem services; and the development and management of land and agriculture, including apiculture.
  • Local, national and regional agencies and institutions involved in awareness building, research and education concerning the need to maintain populations of indigenous honeybees and other insect pollinators.
  • Local, national and regional agencies and institutions engaged in monitoring and providing advice concerning pesticide use that does least harm to insect pollinators.
  • Policy advisers and those with responsibility for beekeepers’ training in Asia.
  • Young people, including women, in rural and urban areas for whom beekeeping can make a significant difference to their lives by creating income from bees and their products.
  • Remote, rural people who have excellent resources and opportunity to practise sustainable beekeeping with indigenous bees – these people in many cases belong to the poorest strata of society, and are often the target groups of the organisations mentioned above.
  • Decision-makers and managers whose task is to implement activities for climate change mitigation and adaptation, and for ecosystem maintenance
  • Everyone involved in national, regional and global pollinator research, development, advocacy, and awareness raising efforts
  • The international pollinator and bee research community.
  • Stakeholders vulnerable to climate change and poverty.
  • The wider population who will benefit from sustained and restored biodiversity.