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Mountain Environment Regional Information System
Climate services are being developed in line with national policies supporting member countries to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
At a glance
The Climate Services Initiative (CSI), in partnership with a range of partners, improves climate knowledge, builds capacities, and promotes data and information exchange.
Mandira Shrestha
Programme Coordinator, Climate Services
Our focus
This Initiative focuses on catering to information needs of individuals and institutions to anticipate and manage climate-related shocks and opportunities effectively. It builds on emerging weather and climate modelling facilities, information dissemination platforms and will focus on strengthening both regional development of weather and climate services and nationally by supporting improved capacity and capability in the HKH countries.
ICIMOD facilitates the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) within the HKH region. It brings together providers and users of climate information. The Initiative’s approach is to strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of various stakeholders, particularly to improve the generation, processing, and use of climate services and co-develop appropriate solutions.
ICIMOD will provide a regional platform to facilitate knowledge sharing and cooperation on science and data; and provide opportunities for collating, curating, and sharing data for improved climate services. A key assumption in this approach is that demand-driven, co-designed, and co-developed climate services with improved capacities will reduce future climate risks and support more robust adaptation planning and policy decisions, thereby increasing resilience to climate change.
News and features
Featured Publication
Climate services involve the production, translation, transfer, and use of past, present, and future climate data and information to support climate-informed planning, policy, and practice in key sectors.
Events around the HKH
Science applications
Applications developed provide evidence for decision making in the region.
South Asia is one of the most water-scarce regions in the world. Droughts have been identified as a major climate-induced risk in the region since they directly affect food...
The HKH region is extremely vulnerable to various types of water-induced disasters, given the region’s fragile geology, rugged terrain, and distinctive monsoon patterns.
Considering the impacts of global climate change on forest ecosystems and dependence of humans on the forests, there is an evident need for...
Forest fire has adverse ecological and economic impacts and is a major concern in many countries. In Nepal, forests in more than 30 districts face damage due to forest fires.
We have a deep history of work across a broad range of issues enabling sustainable development in the complex environment of the HKH. We have been protecting the pulse for over three decades.
Mountains may be rugged and majestic, but they’re also fragile environments that are particularly vulnerable to climate change.
Permafrost is frozen ground that remains at or below 0° Celsius for two or more years.
You will find publications produced or related to this Initiative in HimalDoc, our publications repository. These resources include journal articles, books, book chapters, research reports, working papers, brochures, information sheets, and publicity materials, among other products.
We embrace diversity
Both internally and externally, our multicultural staff and partners are our greatest asset. They provide us with a broad perspective across disciplines, and offer us localized knowledge like no other.