Common Vision

Contribute to a resilient Koshi basin through better understanding and evidence-based decision making on transboundary water-related DRR.


Scope of the hub

  • Promote transboundary collaboration, understanding, and decision making across the Koshi basin through scientific knowledge and experience sharing related to water-related disasters
  • Strengthen the science–policy–practice interface by developing and showcasing solution-oriented research and practices
  • Synthesize and provide recommendations for policy advocacy that takes into consideration upstream and downstream inter-linkages
  • Facilitate dialogue and trust building among different stakeholders such as policy/decision makers, implementers, media outlets, and private-sector organizations

Success indicators

  • Use of knowledge by policy makers
  • Initiation of a number of joint projects among hub members
  • Production of evidence-based solutions and recommendations by the hub
  • Exchange of knowledge and information
  • Joint activities such as workshops and conferences and knowledge products such as journal articles

Challenges in the Koshi basin:

  • Limited knowledge, information sharing, and data generation
  • Lack of informed policy and decision making; scientific and local knowledge, and upstream/downstream linkages are not always considered, which is a hurdle for improved DRR in the basin
  • Trust among various stakeholders in the basin is a major challenge that the participants foresee for the knowledge hub

Opportunities for the knowledge hub:

  • Implementation of solution-oriented joint research and collaborative projects that promote exchange of knowledge and inform policy making in the basin, including developing common methodologies and frameworks for joint data generation, monitoring, and research
  • Sharing of examples of good practices and encouraging adoption in relevant areas
  • Synthesis of existing knowledge, including local knowledge
  • Growth as a multi-stakeholder platform that links science, policy, and practice, including the private sector and local knowledge