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Potential partners on RE and EE in HKH region


Potential partners on RE and EE in HKH region

Organization Country Roles Remarks
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) Nepal Power Purchase Agreements and also to ensure development of modern infrastructure supporting Net Metering When we start supporting installations of Renewable Energy (RE) solutions such as solar farms for productive uses in remote areas We will need to coordinate with NEA to acquire Power Purchase Agreements and also to ensure development of modern infrastructure supporting Net Metering. It is best if we can involve NEA from these initial stages itself
Nepal Micro Hydropower Development Association (NMHDA) Nepal Economic progress by advancing micro hydropower industry in Nepal As a lobby group to influence micro/mini/small hydropower policy. To provide technical support to its members in the field of hydropower technology To be focal point for the hydropower related activities in the country. Working jointly with regional and global players of the sector. Conducting Promotional, Training, Research and other supporting activities for the sector
KFW Development Bank, Nepal Nepal RE & EE Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency is one of the three sectors financially supported by KFW in Nepal
Nepal Communitere Nepal Skill Development/ Local enterprise incubation The I3 Incubation Program is a one year participatory learning experience that provides Nepali entrepreneurs with the knowledge, skills, tools, networks and resources they need to build a strong foundation for their enterprises. Not necessarily working only for RE/EE Partnering with UK AID and I Cube for the I3 incubation program
Building University Capacity to Support Business Incubation in Nepal (BUCSBIN) Nepal Skill Development/ Local enterprise incubation Working with university students only Creating and supporting entrepreneurial labs Platform for national/international networking Organizing entrepreneurial events Not necessarily working only for RE/EE Partnering with Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Idea Studio, Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM), King’s College and Young Innovations
National Incubation & Research Center Nepal Skill Development/ Local enterprise incubation Focused on creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem through business support (incubation) program and networking Mainly working in the IT sector by supporting IT students Not necessarily working for RE/EE
Idea Studio Nepal Local enterprise incubation / skill development Focuses on promoting economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable innovative ideas that address and solve problems in Nepali society (social innovation) Ideas receive national television coverage Initial funds (5,000 USD – 10,000 USD), networking, legal consultations, skills training and more provided to top 5 ideas Not necessarily working only for RE/EE Supported by various famous Nepali faces
King’s Incubator Nepal Local enterprise incubation It facilitates the growth of Social Entrepreneurship and Commercial Entrepreneurship through academic teaching, training, providing access to seed capital, mentoring and networking. Not necessarily working only for RE/EE Partners with Winrock International, Government of Nepal and many more
Next Venture Corporation Nepal Local enterprise incubation Mentoring, networking, collaboration, investment Some new popular start-ups such as Falfull, Farm to finger and many more have already been supported Not necessarily working only for RE/EE
National Innovation Centre Nepal Innovation/Skill Development Focused on aiding innovation by providing financial and technical support and promotion of new technologies Not a business incubator Not necessarily working only for RE/EE but has undertaken some RE projects already Headed by a famous social worker in Nepal “Dr. Mahabir Pun”
Winrock International Nepal Innovation/Implementation One of the main areas of work is end use of renewable energy technologies which focuses on energy and information communication technology (ICT) already have already been implemented Through RE extension and research program Winrock works on technology, financing, research and energy efficiency also
Nepal Energy Foundation Nepal Implementation Partner A facilitating agency for enhancing the access of reliable, affordable and efficient solutions in Nepal Focused on working using local resources Focused on promotion of energy-based enterprises especially to women and rural population Currently working on enhancing energy management of community electrification, preparation of synopsis of electric cooktops standards NEF has developed and executed various programs particularly aimed at the end-user
NMB Bank Nepal Enterprise financing/community level end-user financing NMB bank has a separate renewable energy unit working to bridge the gap of working capital requirement that can arise to RE enterprises NMB has also provided financing to various remote village user committees generating their own alternative source of energy
Nepal Investment Bank Nepal End-user financing NIBL provides Solar Loan at subsidized interest rate of 2% p.a. for household and 4 % p.a. for commercial use Households can apply for a loan amount between 100,000  to 1,500,000 NPR Commercial users can apply for loan amount over 500,000 NPR
Himchuli microfinance Nepal End user financing / implementation Himchuli microfinance acquires wholesale solar loan from Nepal Investment Bank and distributes them to end users in remote areas for various solar technologies. Awareness raising activities and promotion of productive end use of the solar technologies is also carried out by Himchuli in rural areas
Nabil Bank Nepal Enterprise financing/community level end user financing In collaboration with grassroots level partner institutions, Nabil bank provides financing for cottage industries as well as alternative energy in sub-urban and rural areas of Nepal. Under the micro finance/deprived sector loans, financing options are provided in remotest parts with flexible repayment schemes Wholesale lending facility to Microfinance Institutions who are specialized in deprived sector lending
Gham Power Nepal Implementation/Innovation Gham Power has partnered with multinational agencies and local government entities to pioneer products that increase energy uptake among the rural population The first enterprise to install Microgrid in rural Nepal The first energy enterprise in Nepal to adopt Pay as you go scheme
Sun Farmer Nepal Implementation Sun Farmer has constructed solar power systems in 38 districts across Nepal Specialized in off-grid, on-grid and solar water pump Sun farmer removes the burden of upfront cost by providing power purchase agreement to rural end users
Aastha Engineering Solutions Nepal Implementation/Innovation Involved in Energy auditing, waste to energy technologies and roof top solar Involved in scaling rural enterprises through development and dissemination of postharvest technologies for drying, packing and storing. Not necessarily always working for RE/EE
Jeevan Bikas Samaj Nepal Grassroots level end-user financing JBS is an NGO which is implementing microfinance program targeted to the poor It has achieved outcomes in microfinance service, income generation, women empowerment, community development, renewable energy and more Apart from dissemination of RE technologies, JBS also focuses on after sale services. It introduced a digital app to help rural customers report problems with their RE products financed by JBS. Not necessarily only working for RE/EE
Nepal Grameen Bikash Bank Nepal Grassroots level end-user financing Their main role is to make financing options available at remote places. They collaborate with various other urban based financial institutions Not necessarily always working for RE/EE
Small farmer Development Microfinance Financial Institution Nepal Enterprise financing Their main role is to provide Wholesale credit and technical support services to Small Farmers Cooperatives (SFACL’s) and other Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) reaching the poor, marginal/small farmers of Nepal. Under the Renewable Energy Credit Program it has been providing wholesale credit to SFACLs to make minimum of 40,000 RETs and microcredit loans to ultimately reach small-scale farmers
Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation India Innovation/Implementation Works to facilitate India’s transition to a cleaner energy future by aiding the design and implementation of policies that promote clean power, clean energy finance, energy efficiency, sustainable transport and climate policy Works collaboratively with policy makers, civil society, industry, think tanks and academia, Shakti seeks to catalyze transformative solutions to meet India’s energy needs in clean and sustainable ways
National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) India Skill Development and RE National Solar Energy Federation of India (NSEFI) is an umbrella organization of all solar energy stakeholders of India NSEFI Covers all activities Solar PV, solar thermal (Both Small and big) off-grid, Rooftop solar, Micro and Mini grids, Rural electrification, solar agricultural Pumps, encouragement to R & D, capacity building, spreading awareness etc-with an avowed goal of Making Solar Energy Affordable for all
Indian Federation of Green Energy India IFGE focuses on the area of Green Energy with the mission of promoting energy security in a sustainable manner in every sector of economic development Further it is evident that transitioning to low-carbon systems can bring about economic growth with a sustainable approach The falling costs of renewable energy, ambitious government plans for rapid deployment of renewable energy and increasing financial support from international governments and investors all indicate that the transition to a low-carbon economy is not only possible, but already underway.
S4S Technologies India Start-up working in the field of appropriate post-harvest technologies S4S Technologies is the food preservation company that invents new food processing machines. Sells machines to farmers or use these machines at own facility to produce best quality processed food UN award winning: Solar powered- electricity free- dehydrator that uses conduction – convection – radiation – all modes of heat transfer to deliver the world’s highest drying efficiency
Central Himalayan Institute for Nature and Applied Research (CHINAR) India promote sustainable mountain ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods Working on environmental sustainability for the sustainable development of mountain communities mainly in the Himalayan states of India (Himachal Pradesh, Laddakh in Jammu & Kashmir, and Uttarakhand) Capacity development activities undertaken by the organization to empower mountain communities for a better environment and improved livelihoods
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) India Government of India, Ministry of power Promote innovative financing of energy efficiency projects Give financial assistance to institutions for promoting efficient use of energy and its conservation Strengthen consultancy services in the field of energy conservation Implement international co-operation programmes relating to efficient use of energy and its conservation
EduCARE, India (Eco-Engineering / Alternative Renewable Energy) India Skill development on RE Alternative renewable Energy initiative in EduCARE, India NGO has a number of internship opportunities university students and young professionals in projects such as solar, wind, bio-mass/gas, mechanical pedal, The alternative renewable energy project is part of our environment conservation and renewable energy store initiatives Alternative Renewable Energy – EduCARE India NGO, Internship). Our current small / micro scale alternative renewable energy projects like Solar water geyser / heating, Solar Photovoltaic, Biomass energy – biomass energy efficiency stoves, pellets and briquette making
THE WORLD BANK (India: Developing Solar Energy to Meet Rising Demand for Electricity) India The government has pledged that 40 percent of India’s installed electricity capacity will come from renewable sources by 2030 as a part of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement To face this challenge, the World Bank Group adopted the MFD approach, which entails working with governments to crowd in the private sector while optimizing the use of scarce public resources. This approach is guided by the Hamburg Principles adopted by the G20 in 2017 and builds on the substantial experience across the institution.
Global Sustainable energy solutions India India Innovation/Skill Development Generating social opportunity and gender equity by providing special concessions to unemployed youths, students and female participants in order to enhance their entrepreneurial & technical skills in the renewable energy sector
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, TEZPUR UNIVERSITY, INDIA India Skill Development Department of Energy started in 1996, with an aim to produce manpower pool in the field of energy, develop new and efficient energy conversion technologies, R & D and extension activities in diverse areas of energy The department offers a two-year (four semesters) AICTE approved MTech programme in Energy Technology, PhD in energy related areas and Post Graduate Diploma in Renewable Energy and Energy Management (Distance mode) The thrust areas of research are Biomass energy, solar energy, Hydro-energy, Energy-Environment interaction and Energy Conservation and Management.  Apart from the teaching and research, department also organize training programmes, workshops and seminars in the relevant areas of energy.
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) India Provide efficient and effective financing in renewable energy and energy efficiency / conservation projects Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (IREDA) is a Mini Ratna (Category – I) Government of India Enterprise under the administrative control of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) IREDA is a Public Limited Government Company established as a Non-Banking Financial Institution in 1987 engaged in promoting, developing and extending financial assistance for setting up projects relating to new and renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency/conservation with the motto: “ENERGY FOR EVER” To give financial support to specific projects and schemes for generating electricity and / or energy through new and renewable sources and conserving energy through energy efficiency
Ministry of New And  Renewable Energy India Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has been vested with the responsibility of developing Small Hydro Power (SHP) projects up to 25 MW station capacities. The estimated potential for power generation in the country from such plants is about 20,000 MW The SHP programme is now essentially private investment driven. Projects are normally economically viable and private sector is showing lot of interest in investing in SHP projects.
The Solar Energy of India (SESI) India Innovation/Skill Development Its interests cover all aspects of renewable energy, including characteristics, effects and methods of use, and it provides a common ground to all those concerned with the nature and utilization of this renewable non-polluting resource Working only for RE/EE
Amity Innovation Incubator India Local enterprise incubation As a mandate ‘Amity Innovation Incubator ‘ undertakes to incubate enterprises which have innovative products and services with technology as the backbone
Assam Start-Up India Transform into a leading Startup hub Attract funding opportunities of USD 250 million for state startups in incubators Facilitate the growth of at least 1,000 new startups over the next 5 years Establish a state owned marquee incubator Not necessarily working only for RE/EE
Bright Green Energy Foundation (BGEF) Bangladesh Implementation of renewable energy Provide pollution free green energy to the underprivileged rural people of Bangladesh through innovative financing BGEF is creating numerous green jobs all around Bangladesh by promoting entrepreneurs and green technicians focusing on women BGEF is devoted for the expansion of Solar Home System, Bio-gas Plant & Improve Cook Stoves in rural Bangladesh
THE WORLD BANK (  World Bank Helps Bangladesh Expand Renewable Energy) Bangladesh World Bank Helps Bangladesh Expand Renewable Energy The World Bank has approved $185 million to add up to 310 Megawatt (MW) in renewable energy generation capacity in Bangladesh and mobilize private sector participation to meet the growing demand for electricity in the country It will help to expand renewable energy generation capacity. By leveraging all sources of finance, the expanded renewable energy sector is ready to push the country’s growth trajectory further
Brac Bangladesh Innovation/Skill Development Supporting entrepreneurs, improving working conditions with micro, small and medium enterprises and strengthening value chains Business incubation support Not necessarily working only for RE/EE
Renewable energy and energy efficiency programme (REEEP) Bangladesh The reliable and efficient delivery of energy is key to reducing poverty and boosting the economic development in Bangladesh. By 2021, the country is set to reach middle-income status and achieve its target of making electricity available for all. Currently, the demand for energy is growing at a very high rate. Failure to provide the necessary amount of energy now would restrain the economic development. In order to cope with this swift development Bangladesh needs to generate energy from alternative sources. Aware of the problem, the Government of Bangladesh has already undertaken several measures to improve the availability of power through diversification of energy sources. Nonetheless, securing an adequate supply of affordable modern energy for households and the industry remains a challenge.
Toru Institute for Inclusive Innovation Bangladesh Innovation/Skill Development Design and Innovation Business Incubation Personal Development.
The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) Bangladesh Conducts research and analyses on financial and economic issues related to energy and the environment Accelerating the transition to a diverse, sustainable and profitable energy economy
Grameen Shakti  Bangladesh not-for-profit company under the Grameen Bank Promote and supply renewable energy technology at an affordable rate to rural households Adopted the Grameen Bank’s experience in micro financing to make renewable energy applications affordable for poor rural people The company is widely recognized to comprise a strong business model based on vertical integration of solar home system technology and micro-finance
Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority- SREDA Bangladesh Promote, facilitate and disseminate sustainable energy working under Power Division of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of the Government of Bangladesh as a coordination body for the development of the renewable energy in the country
The third Bhutan Bhutan diversifies its renewables with wind turbines The Bhutanese government has started to lay emphasis on diversification away from its dams. It is now exploring other forms of renewable energy and is promoting the building of windmills, biogas plants, solar power plants, and small hydropower plants
USAID (South Asia Regional Institute for Energy Integration) Bhutan Bhutan’s per capita energy consumption is relatively high compared to other neighboring countries because its forest resources provide an abundant and readily available source of energy Fuel wood accounts for more than 75 percent of total energy consumption and virtually, all non-commercial energy consumption in rural areas
The Renewable Energy Law China Renewable Energy Law The Renewable Energy Law is designed to help protect the environment, prevent energy shortages, and reduce dependence on imported energy China’s new law sets the stage for the widespread development of renewables, particularly for commercial scale renewable generating facilities. The law also offers financial incentives, such as a national fund to foster renewable energy development, and discounted lending and tax preferences for renewable energy projects.
China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) China Renewable Energy & Policy Research “The Renewable Energy Law is designed to help protect the environment, prevent energy shortages, and reduce dependence on imported energy China’s new law sets the stage for the widespread development of renewables, particularly for commercial scale renewable generating facilities. The law also offers financial incentives, such as a national fund to foster renewable energy development, and discounted lending and tax preferences for renewable energy projects.” China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) is the national institution for assisting China’s energy authorities in renewable energy (RE) policy research, and industrial management and coordination To conduct comprehensive policy, strategy and planning research, in support of national and regional governmental decision-making, and as a service to the renewable energy industry To conduct research in the field of RE industry establishment and development, as well as implementing public systems for standardisation, testing and certification To manage and implement national energy demonstration project, taking the responsibility of program design, call for proposals, supervision and assessment of implementation
China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) China Energy Sector IWHR is now the largest comprehensive research institute at the top level in the field of water resources and hydroelectric power in China IWHR has its Daxing Experimental Base located in the south suburb of Beijing Municipality and another two departments located outside Beijing, namely the Department of water Resources for Pastoral Areas in Huhhot and the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Research in Tianjin.
North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU) China Skill Development in energy sector NCWU was entrusted by the Ministry of Hydraulic and Electric Engineering to assist Vietnam to establish the Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power (NCWU) originates from the Beijing College of Water Conservancy, founded by the Central Government’s Ministry of Water Resources in 1951 Since 1958, the university had been enrolling overseas students from many countries such as Vietnam, Nepal, Indonesia and Cameron
MYANMAR ENERGY MONITOR Myanmar The Myanmar Energy Monitor enables companies and organisations to identify business opportunities, locate potential partners, clients or suppliers, track trends, conduct market research and stay abreast of new legislation relevant to the sector It features profiles of companies and bodies involved in the Myanmar energy sector, spanning E&P, oil and gas services, renewables, engineering, contracting and suppliers
Renewable Energy Association Myanmar (REAM) Myanmar Promotion of renewable energy applications Established as a nongovernmental organization (NGO) in 1999, the mission of the Renewable Energy Association Myanmar (REAM) is to increase the living standards of rural people in Myanmar and to protect the environment through the promotion of renewable energy applications REAM works with local inhabitants, professionals, technicians, micro or small enterprises and other like-minded organization to upgrade the awareness and living standard of people in remote areas of Myanmar through the promotion of Renewable Energy Technology (RET) They are now implementing small development projects in Myanmar. REAM’s three main objective are to alleviate the energy problem by using Renewable Energy Technology (RET); protect the environment and save the natural resources; and to develop grassroots communities
ASIA CLEAN ENERGY FORUM Myanmar Works to educate the public and increase awareness of environmental and renewable energy resources The Renewable Energy Association of Myanmar is an NGO based in Yangon focused on technology, policy, and capacity building dissemination and strategy for decentralized renewable energy knowledge in Myanmar REAM is a member of the National Energy Management Committee and Energy Development Committee REAM implements grassroots projects to fulfill basic community energy needs by networking with international, government, and local organizations for the development of Myanmar villages, while advocating for conservation and management of the surrounding natural resources
WWF (PR: Green Energy is fastest way to solve Myanmar’s energy crisis) Myanmar A report ‘Myanmar’s Electricity Vision’ shows that green energy can meet all of Myanmar’s future energy needs and is the fastest solution to the current energy crisis. Green energy could also create 3.8 million jobs over the next 35 years, 2-3 times more jobs than fossil fuel based energy. “Myanmar has the potential to become the renewable energy leader in Southeast Asia,” said Christy Williams, Country Director, and WWF-Myanmar “Myanmar is developing rapidly and the energy deficit is becoming larger. The fastest way to meet demand is renewable energy,” said Shoon So Oo, Energy Manager, and WWF-Myanmar. “Large-scale solar projects can be completed within one year and wind power projects could be operating in two to three years – that’s a very rapid response.”
EUREK ALERT (Renewable and nonrenewable energy in Myanmar’s economic growth) Myanmar Energy is a category of natural capital and an integral component of economic growth (along with capital and workforce). CO2 emissions are considered a negative side of such growth and a sign of low-efficient technologies
Renewable & Alternative Energy Association of Pakistan (REAP) Pakistan Promotes renewable resources of energy Renewable & Alternative Energy Association of Pakistan (REAP) is the first ever registered entity of the country in Alternative and renewable energy sector with a mission to minimize the national dependence on conventional resources of energy by promoting renewable resources of energy in Pakistan REAP is a non-political, non-profitable organization to serve the community without any discrimination of cast, creed, clan, gender or religious discriminations
Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) Pakistan Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB) is the sole representing agency of the Federal Government that was established in May 2003 with the main objective to facilitate, promote and encourage development of Renewable Energy in Pakistan and with a mission to introduce Alternative and Renewable Energies (AREs) at an accelerated rate The Government of Pakistan has tasked the AEDB to ensure 5% of total national power generation capacity to be generated through renewable energy technologies by the year 2030 In addition, under the remote village electrification program, AEDB has been directed to electrify 7,874 remote villages in Sindh and Balochistan provinces through ARE technologies
EBR Energy Pakistan EBR Energy was established in 2009 and is an energy integrator and a renewable energy solution provider with specialized expertise in solar technologies and solutions EBR Energy provides complete engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC), including post-commissioning, services for a variety of renewable energy requirements, regardless of size and location
The World Bank (Pakistan: Powering Homes and Businesses) Pakistan Pakistan is pursuing private financing for power generation, gas supply, and high-voltage transmission infrastructure to overcome its twin challenge of acute power shortages and costly power generation Bank Group led reforms that have enhanced sector sustainability, increased revenue for electricity providers, and focused subsidies on the poorest.
PAKISTAN COUNCIL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Pakistan Pakistan Council of Renew Energy Technologies was established by merging the National Institute of Silicon Technology (NIST) and the Pakistan Council for Appropriate Technologies (PCAT) on May 8, 2001 It is the prime institution in the country for coordinating R&D and promotional activities in different renewable energy technologies Council has its head office in Islamabad and regional offices in the provisional capitals Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta. It has close intercation and working relationship with NGO’s & Provincial Agriculture Welfare departments,Local Govt & Rural development offices & other organization working for the socio-economic development of the rural & semi urban areas of the country
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) (ADB Supports First Solar Power Plant to Boost Renewable Energy in Afghanistan) Afghanistan The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $44.76 million grant to develop Afghanistan’s first 20 megawatts (MW) on-grid solar photovoltaic plant and boost the country’s renewable energy generation and supply Afghanistan’s renewable energy resource potential is estimated to be over 300,000 MW, with over two-thirds of potential supply coming from solar, with the country benefitting from about 300 sunny days annually
The Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Programme (AREDP) Afghanistan Supports village inhabitants to create village-based micro-enterprises and to facilitate their access to finance as well as technical and marketing service entrepreneurs receive technical and soft-skills training on marketing, costing and pricing, selling, feasibility and business plan development, business promotion
Afghanistan Sustainable Energy for Rural Development (ASERD) Afghanistan Rural Afghanistan is blessed with renewable energy resources, including hydro, solar, wind and biomass. However, a lack of modern forms of energy generation means these resources are wasted This restricts local enterprises, limits delivery of public services and forces people to use harmful fuels for heating and cooking at home. Previous rural energy programmes have focused on commissioning electricity generating equipment for management by local communities These programmes have largely ignored the cooking and heating needs of rural people and overlooked commercial and public service uses of energy
Energy Sector Improvement Programme (ESIP) Afghanistan The general population, companies and public institutions have access to electricity produced in an environmentally sound and climate-friendly way Afghan institutions and professionals are trained so that they can create the basic conditions for a reliable power supply Particular emphasis is placed on putting existing micro-hydropower plants back into full operation, expanding them and strengthening the local economy through the productive use of energy
THE WORLD BANK (Afghanistan Resurrects its Largest Hydropower Plant Toward a Brighter Future) Afghanistan “The general population, companies and public institutions have access to electricity produced in an environmentally sound and climate-friendly way Afghan institutions and professionals are trained so that they can create the basic conditions for a reliable power supply Particular emphasis is placed on putting existing micro-hydropower plants back into full operation, expanding them and strengthening the local economy through the productive use of energy” Kabul Province – Naghlu Hydropower Plant (NHPP), Afghanistan’s largest hydropower plant, has restarted operations of one of its four turbines after being nonfunctional since 2012, providing electricity for thousands in the three provinces of Kabul, Kapisa, and Nangarhar. The rehabilitation of the NHPP is considered a great achievement in the development of Afghanistan’s hydropower infrastructure. Afghanistan has ample hydropower resources. The government will try to leverage private sector financing for additional hydropower plants, starting with the expansion of the Kajaki hydropower plant