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Adaptation and Resilience Building
These solutions on building resilience provide valuable information about approaches and technologies that can inform communities, practitioners, decision makers and governments alike.
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The solutions presented here are informed by a transdisciplinary approach. All the solutions are derived from knowledge co-created with stakeholders who will benefit from and sustain a particular intervention. Most of the solutions have been piloted and tested. They allow for feedback from society to science and back to society, thus ensuring a healthy mutuality between experts and beneficiaries.
Do you know that...
Resilience building is a pre-requisite to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in the HKH. The development of simple, easily replicable, affordable, local solutions can go a long way towards addressing the challenges arising from the complexity and dynamism of the mountain context.
Key factors and conditions
ICIMOD’s resilience-building framework suggests that interventions at the community level need to account for multiple combinations of factors (i.e., there is no single silver bullet), as determined by local conditions. This tailored approach informs the designing and implementation of solutions presented in this site.
Scaling ‘up’ and scaling ‘out’ challenge
A solution’s ultimate success is the degree to which it is ‘scaled up’ (taken from local levels to national and international levels, either through practice, policy, or procedure) or ‘scaled out’ (taken to a wider area or other sectors). Solution pilots have played an important role in ICIMOD’s experience because key policy and practice actors are often motivated by demonstrable evidence.