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International Mountain Day 2021

Pema Gyamtsho

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This year, we celebrate the 18th International Mountain Day, with the theme ‘sustainable mountain tourism’. In the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH), mountain tourism is linked with the health of landscapes, ecosystems, communities, and the economy. Mountain tourism supports industries, businesses, and communities, and contributes to a wide range of jobs for a skilled and semi-skilled workforce, especially women. But above all, it supports the growth of small businesses, in particular the micro-small-medium enterprises (MSMEs) that are a lifeline for mountain communities.


Mountain tourism and vulnerabilities

Mountain tourism operates in a complex landscape and is vulnerable to external shocks, particularly those brought on by the climate crisis and, as we have experienced recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. Within a span of six months, our Regional Member Countries (RMCs) witnessed extreme climate events of biblical scale and impacts. We are witnessing a new climate regime, where extremes have become the new normal – record and monsoon like rainfall in Delhi India in Maydeadly flash floods in Melamchi; Nepal in June; heavy rainfall and flash flood in Henan Province, China and in Maharashtra India in July; typhoon In-Fa in Zhejiang Province, China in late July; and the unusual extreme rainfall in Nepal and heavy rainfall and deadly floods in South India, in October. Our flagship report, the Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment suggests that we are heading to a warming world. For our region, even 1.5°C will be too hot since elevation dependent warming will mean higher temperatures for the higher elevations. In the HKH, the cost of adapting to climate shocks is huge and could range between USD 3.2-4.6 billion per year by 2030 and USD 5.5-7.8 billion by 2050.

The pandemic further exposed how dependent mountain economies are on tourism. The nation-wide lockdowns and restrictions on travel resulted in plummeted tourist numbers and disrupted supply chains, economies, and businesses, especially in our mountain regions. The combined shocks of climate change and the pandemic have shaken mountain tourism. Not only must the tourism stakeholders now protect the health of employees and customers, but they must also navigate the disruptions to their operations, plan for revival and recovery, and prepare to reimagine businesses and services for the next normal. Given this, safeguarding mountain tourism, particularly the MSMEs and tourism-dependent communities, becomes critically important.


Green recovery and resilient mountain tourism

At ICIMOD, we view the climate crisis and the pandemic as opportunities for mountain tourism stakeholders to place climate resilience and green recovery at the heart of building back. We have learned that climate-resilient green recovery of mountain tourism should focus on three important areas: innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment. As part of the revival and green recovery process, the stakeholders – government, industry, businesses, financial institutions, research and academic entities, and the local community – must come together to reimagine post-pandemic mountain tourism into one that promotes green, resilient, and inclusive development and conservation.

Furthermore, through the development of bankable business models, tourism entrepreneurs can redefine business resilience and sustainability fit for a low-carbon tourism economy and guide mountain tourism to greener pathways through green job creation. Policy innovation, especially the development of return-on-investment frameworks (informed by environment, social and governance factors) can help leverage financial investment and improve transparency and accountability of finance to enterprises promoting green, resilient, and inclusive economy.

The key to the sustainable future of mountain tourism in the region therefore lies in a low-carbon tourism economy. MSMEs are critical stakeholders in the regional and local mountain tourism economy of the region, and clean energy can assist them in building resilience against climate change and contribute to more sustainable mountain tourism. The goal of a net zero carbon world in 2050 is expected to shift the entire nature of the economy. Given this, a low-carbon tourism economy provides our RMCs with the opportunity to achieve their targets while ensuring a green, resilient, and inclusive mountain tourism. Our priorities under green recovery of mountain tourism must include: i) reducing GHG emissions, ii) reaching the targets set under the Paris Agreement, iii) maximizing sustainability outcomes and achieving HKH specific SDGs, iv) prioritizing climate actions, and v) promoting carbon neutrality

As we celebrate the 18th International Mountain Day, I would like to reiterate ICIMOD’s commitment to promoting a climate-resilient, sustainable mountain tourism agenda for a low-carbon tourism economy. We cannot predict when and where the next climate disaster or pandemic outbreak will strike, but our experience tells us that these extreme events and shocks are likely to be the new normal. Hence, we need to focus on building a green, resilient, and inclusive economy as a part of the recovery process for sustainable mountain tourism in the region.

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近期的空气质量寿命指数(AQLI)报告标题为:“空气污染是地球上人类预期寿命面临的最大外部威胁”。这一严厉警告应该足以激励全球采取行动应对这一最严重且无处不在的威胁。然而,目前还没有专门针对这一“沉默杀手”的全球合作框架或公约。据世界卫生组织称,每年有 700 万人过早死亡与空气污染有关,这比迄今为止死于 Covid-19 的人数还多,而且根据该报告,空气污染对普通人的健康危害比吸烟或酗酒还大。为纪念今年国际清洁空气蓝天日,我紧急呼吁全球和地区领导人建立应对空气污染的全球合作框架。该框架应与解决“三重地球危机”的其中两个要素——气候变化和生物多样性丧失——的框架保持一致。 兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区受到的空气污染的严重影响,根源有很多,包括:机动车辆、工业、焚烧固体生物燃料、农作物秸秆和家庭废物。重要的是,这类受污染的空气并不是某个城市、地区或国家特有的,而是整个印度河-恒河平原和喜马拉雅山麓——横跨北印度次大陆和山脉的数十万平方公里的区域——所共有的。该地区空气中的悬浮颗粒经常超过安全水平,影响着居住在这里的大约十亿人。 正如联合国空气污染倡议所解释的,颗粒物是微小的污染颗粒,这些微小、肉眼看不见的颗粒污染物会深入我们的肺部、血液和身体。约三分之一的中风、慢性呼吸道疾病和肺癌死亡病例以及四分之一的心脏病死亡病例都因这些污染物造成。阳光下许多不同污染物相互作用产生的地面臭氧也是哮喘和慢性呼吸道疾病的原因之一。 美国芝加哥大学能源政策研究所发布的空气质量寿命指数报告显示:“如果污染水平将持续,孟加拉国、印度、尼泊尔和巴基斯坦的居民预计平均寿命会缩短约 5 年。” 报告继续指出,“亚洲和非洲负担最重,但缺乏关键基础设施”。尽管如此,我们还是有理由希望在我们的地区找到可能的解决方案,因为中国在空气污染防治的努力仍然取得了显着成功,而且工作仍在进行中。正如该报告所述,“自 2013 年(即中国开始“反污染之战”的前一年)以来,中国的污染已下降了 42.3%。由于这些改善,如果减排持续,中国公民的平均寿命预计会延长 2.2 年。”

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