Once protected by its remoteness, the astonishing biodiversity for which the Hindu-Kush Himalayas (HKH) are world famous is being lost at an extraordinary speed as a result of climate change, land-use change, and pollution.



A staggering 70% of plant and animal species in the region, one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, has been lost over the last century, and wildlife, rivers and springs, forests, rangelands and wetlands are in crisis.



With up to 85% of rural communities in these areas directly reliant on nature for food, water, flood control, as well as cultural and artistic value, the impacts of these losses extend beyond nature: compounding the existing socio-economic vulnerability of the 271 million people who live in the mountains of the HKH.

Without action, this outlook is set to worsen very soon: the degradation of nature, especially through species and habitat loss, is accelerating – driven by extreme events such as fires, glacier melt and significant changes in snow and rainfall from climate change, and through other human activities such as land-use change and the direct exploitation of organisms.

At this critical moment for the region, 130 leading IPBES scientists will travel to ICIMOD, the headquarters of the leading body for the study of the region, in Kathmandu, Nepal, to finalise the draft of the IPBES thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, food, water and health (the nexus assessment) – a landmark report on the interlinkages between biodiversity, water, food, and health and climate change.

The experts are authors of the highly-anticipated nexus assessment from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), an independent body of 145 member States working to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, long-term human well-being and sustainable development.

ICIMOD and the Ministry of Forests and Environment (MoFE), Government of Nepal are co-hosting the third authors meeting for the IPBES Nexus Assessment.

About the event

Third authors meeting for the IPBES Nexus Assessment

ICIMOD and the Ministry of Forests and Environment, Government of Nepal are co-hosting the third authors meeting for the IPBES Nexus Assessment. The Nexus assessment is a thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food, and health, which is currently being prepared for consideration by the Plenary at its eleventh session in 2024.

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The nexus assessment

The nexus assessment is currently being prepared for consideration by the IPBES Plenary at its eleventh session, to be held later this year in Windhoek, Namibia.

The third author meeting will be followed by a meeting to advance the summary for policy makers of the report, from 10-11 February 2024, also at ICIMOD Headquarters, Kathmandu, Nepal.

The main objective of the assessment is to provide governments and decision-makers at all levels with scientific information and options that they can use to develop biodiversity policies and actions that address the complex interlinkages between the nexus elements – biodiversity, water, food, health and climate change.



Vegetables from local markets in Myanmar

This book enumerates the diversity in the prevalence and use of vegetables in parts of Myanmar. It draws on our field studies in Myanmar, where we encountered people consuming interesting plant species as vegetables. For example, we saw parts of the moorva dregea (Wattakaka volubilis), belonging to the family Apocyanaceae, and jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum), belonging to the family Fabaceae, being consumed as vegetables. These plants are generally considered poisonous by scientists. Likewise, the roots of the winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) and the seedlings of the wine palm (Borassus flabellifer), which have a pungent taste, are very popular vegetables in the dry season in Myanmar. Tea is a globally well-known and widely-consumed beverage. However, in Myanmar, Pu’er tea (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) is consumed as a beverage and a vegetable. The leaf that is consumed as a vegetable is fermented and preserved.

Orchids of Godavari and surrounding areas

The Godavari-Phulchoki landscape is extremely rich in biodiversity. Over the years, researchers and nature enthusiasts have documented the incredible diversity of its birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and flora. This book documents in amazing detail the incredible diversity of orchids in the landscape, including a new generic record for the orchid flora of Nepal. This is the result of a four-year survey and in situ photo documentation effort. In highlighting the diversity, it also raises conservation concerns and reminds us that much more needs to be done by way of survey, documentation, and conservation of this diversity.

Compendium of case studies and good practices on protected areas and other effective area based conservation measures from the South Asia sub-region

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has grouped all its member states into 12 sub-regional implementation support networks to facilitate the coordination, communication, and implementation of the agreed national priority actions and other commitments for achieving Aichi Target 11. The South Asia sub-region includes nine countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.

This compendium is a collection of scalable good practices and case studies on protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) from the nine countries. These were collected through contributions from the member countries, a review of literature, and a regional policy dialogue on progress against Aichi Target 11 held in 2020. ICIMOD and UNDP India have organized the information collected into the 20 good practices and case studies presented here. The key issues and problems that have been identified focus on the social, ecological, governance, and economic aspects of the PA system and OECMs.   

Agrobiodiversity in the Kangchenjunga Landscape: Status, threats, and opportunities

The varied agro-climatic conditions of the transboundary Kangchenjunga Landscape support rich agrobiodiversity. However, despite its tremendous social, economic, and ecological significance, agrobiodiversity has been declining in the landscape in recent years. Key factors behind this include changes in people’s food preferences; replacement of traditional crops and varieties by high yielding varieties; commercialization of agriculture; climate change; introduction and promotion of improved breeds of livestock; shortage of fodder resources; and shortage of labour due to out-migration of male members of the household. There is limited documentation of the landscape's agrobiodiversity status, its agro-economic potential, its significance to mountain communities, and potential threats. This publication seeks to fill these gaps by documenting and discussing the status, challenges, and opportunities surrounding agrobiodiversity in the Kangchenjunga Landscape. 

Primates of the Far Eastern Himalaya

This book, which features 16 primate species from the landscape, as well as information on their conservation status, is aimed at general readers and specialists alike. It is hoped that readers will appreciate the diversity and beauty of the primates in the region, be informed of key aspects of their ecology, their place in the ecosystems and in folklore, the threats to their survival, and ongoing conservation efforts.

Kailash confluence: reviving connections for a sustainable future [photobook]

In September 2018, Namkha Rural Municipality, Humla, held its first cross-border travel and trade fair – the Kailash Confluence – to celebrate the shared history, culture, and socioeconomy of the populations living in the transboundary areas of Nepal, India, and the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) of China. This photo book celebrates and documents this seminal event.

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Sunita Chaudhary

Ecosystem Services Specialist, ICIMOD


Note: The IPBES Nexus Assessment meeting is being hosted by the Ministry of Forests and Environment, Government of Nepal, ICIMOD with support from the Himalayan Resilience Enabling Action Programme (HI-REAP).