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15 Dec 2023 | Media Advisory

Glacial lake outburst floods in High Mountain Asia documented in regional effort

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Dashboard: GLOFs in High Mountain Asia

Kathmandu, 15 December, 2023

Finu Shrestha, Remote Sensing and Geo-information Analyst, ICIMOD

Karakorum, the world’s second highest mountain range, has seen the highest number of recurrent recorded glacial lake outburst floods in High Mountain Asia.

A new dataset, released by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development today, is a repository of over 700 glacial lake outburst floods dating back almost two centuries, and including recent devastating events, including GLOFs in South Lhonak in Sikkim and in Thorthomi in Bhutan in October.

“It is always a challenge to get historic data on High Mountain Asia, because the region is inaccessible, and research here has historically been so difficult,” said Finu Shrestha. “Through painstaking collaboration with regional partners, we have managed to piece together a robust picture of major events in this region dating back to 1833.

“This provides us with a sense of how hazards are changing in the mountains over time, and a way of capturing their impacts. It will help us to track how temperature rises, permafrost thaw and precipitation, are driving these events and to monitor, guide, and improve mitigation measures to protect vulnerable human populations, biodiversity and hydropower investments.”

The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region is recognised as a “hotspot of risk” for hazards such as GLOFs. The GLOF dashboard captures a number of key datapoints about each flood: date, time, place, volume of water; triggers; physical characteristics of the lake dam; and the impact in lives, livelihoods, property and infrastructure.

GLOF dashboard screenshot
Dashboard: GLOFs in High Mountain Asia


Below are some key takeaways from the current records on the dashboard:

Graph showing number of recorded GLOFs per decade in HMA
Graph showing number of recorded GLOFs per decade in HMA. Source: GLOF Dashboard


This dataset serves as a crucial foundation for further scientific investigation, such as enabling regional studies on potential GLOF drivers and providing a robust data basis for downstream impact and risk assessments. The initiative emphasises the crucial need for proactive measures to safeguard vulnerable communities in High Mountain Asia.

The GLOF dashboard visually presents this dataset on a regional map, offering seamless navigation. All data are openly accessible and downloadable for further investigations.

For further information, please contact our in-house experts through:

Finu Shrestha:


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