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or days leading up to the disaster, Mr. Harisaran Shrestha had been listening to warnings about floods in the Melamchi, a river that flows through the foothills of the Himalayas in central Nepal.
SERVIR Hindu Kush Himalaya (SERVIR-HKH) Initiative has been extended for a five-year period following the signing of a public international ...
The construction of dams is indispensable for the development of a country as these water reservoirs produce energy, irrigation water, ...
A recent by the International Centre for Integrated Mountains Development (ICIMOD) and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) has revealed that ...
Las lluvias monzónicas azotaron la región durante varias semanas y las inundaciones inundaron 75.000 kilómetros cuadrados del país. Seis semanas ...
काठमाडौं : राष्ट्रिय विपद् न्यूनीकरण प्राधिकरणको एक तथ्यांकका अनुसार विगत ११ महिनामा मुलुकमा २ सय ३६ वटा चट्याङका घटना भए। ती ...
The workshop was jointly organised by the Ministry of Climate Change and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, a ...
Novel Solutions in the form of pest risk alert systems now present a unique opportunity for low income countries to ...