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Flooding in dozens of districts in Pakistan’s Balochistan, Sindh and Punjab provinces have destroyed wide swaths of agricultural land. The country could soon face food shortages if thousands of acres of cropland are not restored.
For days leading up to the disaster, Mr. Harisaran Shrestha had been listening to warnings about floods in the Melamchi, ...
Fire predictions pushed to locals’ smartphones could save forests, and lives, say researchers.
In an attempt to share lessons and experiences from a decade-long effort on the application of Earth Observation Science and ...
The Forest Research and Training Centre (FRTC) is pleased to announce the launch of Nepal’s National Land Cover Monitoring System ...
Spatial planning, nature-based solutions can make cities in Hindu Kush Himalaya climate-resilient
With climate change, plastic pollution and a potential sixth mass extinction, the future of humanity seems very bleak.
9月25日至29日,以“地球观测技术促进兴都库什——喜马拉雅地区可持续发展”为主题的综合地球观测计划(AOGEO)学术研讨会暨能力建设国际培训班在尼泊尔加德满都成功举行。 国家遥感中心(GEO中国秘书处)主任赵静,中国科学院院士、中国科学院空天信息创新研究院(空天院)院长吴一戎,国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)主任Pema Gyamtsho,AOGEO中方联合牵头人、空天院研究员顾行发,ICIMOD的AOGEO地区能力建设中心(RCCD)联合主任Birendra Bajracharya以及GEO秘书处官员褚文博出席开幕式并致辞。
Kathmandu, April 24 (RSS): The government has classified the land into 11 different categories. Based on the National Land Cover Monitoring ...