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ICIMOD and others marked International Mountain Day 2016 in Pokhara at the third annual Mountain Festival. The Nepal Mountaineering Association organized the two-day event on 11-12 at the International Mountain Museum.
Information on various aspects of life in hilly and mountainous regions of Nepal was put on display. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) showcased a range of technologies and income generation activities that are suitable for mountain communities. These included kiwi farming, bio-briquette technology, shitake mushroom cultivation, and the use of allo (Himalayan nettle) thread in weaving and knitting. Altogether, 40 organizations participated in the festival.
During the inauguration, Minister for Population and Environment, Jay Dev Joshi, highlighted the role Nepal’s mountains have played in promoting tourism in the country. Secretary at the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Civil Aviation, Shankar Prasad Adhikari, reiterated Joshi’s comments. “Of the 14 peaks above 8,000 metres in the world, eight are in Nepal,” he said.
Rajan Kotru, regional programme manager, transboundary landscapes, ICIMOD, was guest speaker at the event. He spoke about the importance of mountain culture, and the rich biodiversity of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH).
ICIMOD publications related to the organization’s conservation and livelihood-improvement initiatives in the HKH were distributed to the public. A hands-on bio-briquette making training session was received with interest by farmers, students, and members of different non-governmental organizations. Over 40 people participated in the training.
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