Hazards in High Mountain Asia

A platform to present datasets on high mountain hazards, including processes, drivers, and downstream impacts.

About the portal

The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region is subject to a wide variety of hazards, ranging from ice avalanches at the highest peaks to landslides, floods, and droughts in the lower parts of the mountains. Many of these hazards can have catastrophic impacts for local populations, their livelihoods, and their infrastructure.

The Hazard Portal provides access to databases on recorded events of these hazards, including the drivers that were identified to be the cause, the physical processes involved and the impacts these hazards had. The datasets are visualized on a regional map and can be navigated from the dashboard. All data is openly accessible and can be downloaded for further investigations.

Such hazard datasets provide a crucial basis for further scientific investigations. It allows for regional studies on climatic drivers for specific processes but also provides a data basis for impact and risk assessments in the downstream.