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Mountains bring us together

David James Molden

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Mountains are generally considered to be barriers that isolate and divide. Their formidable physicality presents challenges for development and the delivery of goods and services. Some mountain ranges mark international borders. But if we zoom out we also begin to see a certain unity – in the physical geography, in the everyday struggles of mountain communities across borders, and in common challenges in an era of environmental change.

The Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) is shared by eight countries – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan. It is home to around 240 million people and is the origin of 10 major rivers including the Brahmaputra, Ganges, Indus, Yangtze, and Yellow. Imagine a blue network of arteries and veins if you will, coursing through the region and nourishing the lives of 1.9 billion people in these river basins. Water ties us together and mountains unite us.

The rapid pace of change is visible across the whole HKH, with repercussions for mountain people and beyond. Outmigration, rapid urbanization, pollution and environmental degradation are changing the face of the HKH. The impacts of climate change will become even more prevalent with rising temperatures. Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere across the Himalaya, affecting water flows. Climate change models indicate more rainfall, but also an increase in extreme weather events. Clearly there is a need to be much better prepared than we are now, to adapt to a host of changes.

Cultural and linguistic diversity is also a function of isolation in the mountains. Diverse communities with unique cultures, practices, and traditional knowledge inhabit the HKH. Over the years, this culturally rich landscape and its people have provided inspiration and unique ideas. Many of these perspectives are important for the world as we face future challenges such as climate change.

One crucial way to deal with change is to make sure that we have the best knowledge and science to help us prepare. The Hindu Kush Himalayan Monitoring Assessment Programme (HIMAP) is one such programme developed for this task. A growing group of scientists and practitioners, now more than 350 people from the eight HKH countries and beyond, have contributed to the HIMAP process, which is reaching its culmination in the publication of the HKH Assessment report, to be formally launched on 11 December, International Mountain Day.

HIMAP findings suggest that we must invest more into helping mountain communities adapt to climate change. The uniqueness of these mountains needs to be realized, and their perspectives need to be embedded in national policies and programmes. In order to do so, mountain leaders need to be involved in political debates and communities must come forward to express their concerns.

HIMAP highlights the need for cooperation at all levels – between people, communities and nations. Cooperation across boundaries is crucial for addressing climate change in the HKH, and by extension for Asia and the world.

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Read in english 显而易见的是,无论从事何种工作,未能克服性别不公不仅在道德上是错误的,而且对行为底线有害。 在我们迫切需要取得进展的领域,以及国际山地综合发展中心(ICIMOD)所涉及的领域,投资于女性尤为关键,包括发展、科学、气候和自然等方面。 根据世界经济论坛发布的最新研究,仅在印度,性别平等就能为国内生产总值增加7700亿美元;而在孟加拉国,这一数字将达到300亿美元。 尽管存在如此明确的经济激励,但兴都库什-喜马拉雅地区的八个国家仍然面临巨大挑战。 在ICIMOD,我们将性别平等作为2030年战略的核心组成部分,全力改变这一状况,并为国家、社区和自然环境带来回报。 在我们的运营中,我们正在充分利用我们的平台,与妇女团体、青年和原住民关系网络建立更紧密的合作关系;我们承诺通过专家团队和活动来鼓励她们发声,并为她们的职业发展和公共演讲提供支持,同时监测和解决性别不平衡的问题。 我们也致力于在招聘、晋升和行政职能方面推动公平,特别关注增强各个员工层面的性别和多样性代表性,尤其是在决策、专业和领导职位上。 性别问题现已贯穿在我们的各类项目中,每个战略小组内都设有相关专家和分析师。 目前,我们的创业工作优先考虑为由女性或主要雇佣女性以及边缘社会群体的企业提供技术支持和财务资源。 此外,考虑到地方政府和国家政府对于制定自然资源管理(NRM)计划的至关重要性,ICIMOD已经举办了培训,以支持制定能够充分利用妇女见解、技能和专业知识的NRM行动计划。 身处同一地区,我们需要更进一步。 研究表明,女性-包括妇女和女孩-首当其冲受到气候危机的影响。气候危机导致流离失所的受害者中有80%是女性。 从2025年开始,每年预计有1200万女孩受气候危机影响,无法完成学业。到2050年,将有多达1.58亿女性陷入贫困,其中2.36亿女性面临更加严重的粮食不安全状况。 这种性别不平等是由于长期存在的资金流动严重不足,以及政策针对性不够所导致的。 在国际性资金支持中,仅有0.01%用于应对气候变化和促进妇女权利的项目。 全球范围内,只要不到2%的国家气候战略考虑到了妇女和女孩的不同处境和需求。 也许,考虑到女性在决策过程中的代表性不足,这并不足为奇。 在 COP27 上,只有 6% 的世界领导人是女性,这一比例在 COP28 上上升了 10% 以上。直到今年早些时候出现强烈反对之后,今年的 COP 主席才在此前全员男性的组织委员会中增加了 ...

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