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21 Jan 2022 | News

Ensuring long-term data series on Trambau and Trakarding glaciers, Rolwaling Valley

Our last fieldwork in 2021 involved collecting field data and conducting maintenance work on Trambau and Trakarding glaciers in Rolwaling, Dolakha, Nepal, from 10 November to 2 December. We carried out the fieldwork on behalf of Nagoya University in Japan to ensure the continuity of the long-term data series as the university has been conducting regular bi-annual glaciological and hydro-meteorological measurements on these glaciers since 2016. The team from Nagoya University have not been able to visit the field since autumn 2019 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chimi Seldon & Tika Ram Gurung

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A view of Trambau Glacier. (Photo: Tika Gurung/ICIMOD)

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