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9 Sep 2022 | SERVIR-HKH

Impact of the 2022 floods on agriculture in Pakistan’s Sindh Province

The cryosphere – snow, ice, and permafrost – is an important source of water in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. Observed and projected estimates of cryosphere show changes in the timing and magnitude of stream flows across the region. Snow is important for seasonal water availability, particularly in the early melt season, and is a critical source of water for irrigation for some 1.65 billion people living in the river valleys downstream.

Faisal Mueen Qamar

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31 Oct 2016 News
Exchanging Knowledge on Glaciers and Climate at the Indus Forum

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) participated in the Indus Forum Workshop, a week-long event held in Switzerland ...

23 Sep 2015 News
ICIMOD introduces solar irrigation systems in Saptari District, Nepal

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13 Dec 2017 News
ICIMOD Provides Technical Support to Farmers during Agri-Flori Fair in Bhutan

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Ramkumari Kumal’s story

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International Conference on Mountain People Adapting to Change completed

ICIMOD, in partnership with the Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment, held ...

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AGORA Workshop in Nepal (29 -30 March, 2018)

Introduction The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United ...