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Opinion: The Hindu Kush Himalayas need institutions for better cooperation

Pema Gyamtsho

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(Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya / ICIMOD)

Himalayan countries can look to the Arctic Council, Alpine Convention and the Carpathian Convention to build multilateral cooperation mechanisms, advises the director-general of ICIMOD

Nepal Earthquake 2015

ICIMOD staff are accounted for and are safe. Some have injuries, several have experienced severe damage to their homes, while ...

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Nurturing Evidence-based Solutions for a Sustainable Future in South Asia

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29 Jan 2016 News
Returning to Post-earthquake Langtang Valley

Langtang Village in November 2014 and 2015. The earthquake in April 2015 triggered ...

Third Regional Meeting for Kangchenjunga Landscape Initiative

Participants included high-level government officials from Bhutan led by Dasho Tenzin Dhundup, Secretary at ...

Cross learning within the HKH: women restore barren land in Passu Valley with sea buckthorn

Process The Passu valley was once bountiful. The Khunjerab and Shimshal rivers gradually eroded their banks, posing a very real threat ...

Enhancing Data Compilation and Management Skills

A two-day regional orientation on data compilation and management was organized at ICIMOD on 5-6 April 2016. About 15 participants, ...

Press for Progress: Closing the Gender Gap in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

The necessity of gender equality for achieving development goals, large and small, is a widely accepted fact. However, gender gaps ...

2 Jan 2015 News
International Conference on Mountain People Adapting to Change completed

The event brought together over 300 climate scientists, adaptation policy makers, and practitioners with the goal of finding more holistic ...