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Exploring the different types of flood early warning systems in flood prone areas of Pakistan, three delegates from Pakistan visited the International Centre of Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and its community based flood early warning system (CBFEWS) pilot site in early March.
During the three day visit, delegates experienced hands-on sessions on CBFEWS and visited the prototype site at ICIMOD’s Knowledge Park in Godavari for a demonstration. The visit was followed by a trip to Ratu Khola, Mahottari district where the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)/Community Based Flood and Glacial Lake Outburst Risk Reduction Project (CFGORRP) and ICIMOD have jointly piloted CBFEWS under the Koshi Basin Programme . The pilot is supported by the Australian government through the Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio for South Asia in Nepal. The delegates had the opportunity to observe CBFEWS instruments, both transmitter, and receiver, and to talk with the local caretaker.
The group also went to Sarpallo, one of the downstream flood prone villages, and visited with the vulnerable community. One of the local residents mentioned CBFEWS made them feel more secure as upstream communities can give almost real time information to downstream residents helping them prepare for any pending flood.
The Pakistani delegates showed keen interest in CBFEWS’ low-cost technology and its ability to provide almost real time flood information to vulnerable communities. The group said they were looking forward to implementing the system in at least one of the flood prone rivers of Pakistan.
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