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6 Oct 2016 | News

Pakistani Policy Makers Visit Upper Indus Basin Pilot Projects

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Leader of the delegation, Muhammad Abid Javed, Secretary of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MnNFS&R), visits Mountain Agriculture Research Centre (MARC), Juglote.

A field visit to enhance understanding of ongoing International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) activities in Pakistan through exposure of policy makers was made to pilot projects in Upper Indus Basin (UIB), Gilgit Baltistan 20-22 September 2016.

ICIMOD in collaboration with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Gilgit Baltistan), organised the visit.

The policy delegates visited Mountain Agriculture Research Centre (MARC), Juglote to discuss ICIMOD’s supported strategic reorientation plan for the centre and future funding. The team also met with the beneficiaries of bio-briquettes training at Karakorum Area Development Organization (KADO) office at Aliabad, Hunza.

Visiting bio-briquette training beneficiaries at the Karakorum Area Development Organization (KADO) office in Aliabad, Hunza.

The team also visited pilot sites in Gojal where partners and local communities shared UIB project interventions on river bank taming through biological measures, solar water lifting and micro irrigation technology for high value farming in Passu and Morkhun. The visitors were updated on activities under Hindu Kush Karakorum Pamir Landscape Initiative of ICIMOD and on the ongoing technical collaboration between ICIMOD, WAPDA and PMD and installations of automatic weather stations at high altitudes.

The delegation was led by Muhammad Abid Javed, Secretary of the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (MnNFS&R) and ICIMOD’s Board Member. Mr Javed was accompanied by Nadeem Amjad, Chairman, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Khadim Hussain Saleem, Provincial Secretary of Agriculture & Forest departments and representatives of ICIMOD’s strategic partners — Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Karakorum International University, Focus Humanitarian Assistant & Agha Khan Rural Support Programme.

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