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ICIMOD is pleased to announce the winners of the 2017 PhotoHKH photo competition. Over one month, ICIMOD invited photographers of all ages and skill levels to submit photos under two categories – the ResilientHKH photo story contest and the Mountains Under Pressure single photo contest – representing the themes of climate, hunger, migration, and resilience.
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Through PhotoHKH, ICIMOD hoped to draw attention to change happening in the mountain areas of the Hindu Kush Himalaya and inspire action to protect this important resource and improve the lives of mountain people.
A jury of professional photographers and curators and resilience experts narrowed down the top submissions from over 500 photos. The top three entries in each category received prizes totaling more than USD 4,000, and the remaining of the top 30 single photos and top 10 photo stories were given honourable mentions.
The awards for the ResilientHKH photo story contest were presented by ICIMOD Director General David Molden on the closing day of the international conference on Resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya: Developing Solutions for a Sustainable Future for Asia, 6 December.
Alice Chautard’s photo story entry titled From Peaks to Plains: Troubled Waters along the Gandaki River won her the first prize in the photo story category
Ansgar Fellendorf, Nabin Baral, Abhay Gandhe, Upma Manral, Lokendra Subba, Dorji Dema, Marc Foggin
The Mountains Under Pressure single photo contest winners were announced on International Mountain Day, 11 December 2017.
Susheel Shrestha from Nepal won first prize for his entry titled hard life. Female porters carrying wooden planks to build a hotel at Kyanjing Gompa in Rasuwa district. Most young men from the area have migrated elsewhere for work, particularly the Gulf. In such a situation, women face additional pressures.
Birendra Raj Bajracharya, Nepal; Bijay Gurung, Nepal; Bishal Gautam, Nepal; Chandra Man Dongol, Nepal; Danial Shah, Pakistan; Danial Shah, Pakistan; Dorji Dema, Bhutan; Deepak Tolange, Nepal; Fazal Khaliq, Pakistan; Fazal Khaliq, Pakistan; Fiona Chan, Australia; Abhay Gandhe, India; Hala Madrid, Nepal; Kishor Shrestha, Nepal; Mahindra Luitel, India; Mohan K. Duwal, Nepal; Najeebullah Azad, Afghanistan; Pariva Dobriyal, India; Robic Upadhayay, Nepal; Sangay Tshering, Bhutan; Kaushal Sapkota, Nepal; Sneha Verma, Nepal; Suman Rai, Nepal; Sunil Sharma, Nepal; Ummid Shakya, Nepal; Walter Immerzeel, Netherlands; Zile Huma, Pakistan.
We would like to congratulate the photographers awarded the top prizes in each category. To view the top entries, visit:
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