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21 May 2024 | Press releases

As authorities sound alarm about risks of extreme events following projections of above-normal temperatures and rainfall this monsoon, ICIMOD and Nepal Red Cross launch disaster-preparedness app for Nepal

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The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) have partnered to develop a new mobile app to strengthen community resilience and disaster preparedness in Nepal.

The app, called ‘PrakopAlert’, is targeted at members of the public and provides users with weather forecasts for rainfall, temperature, lightning alerts, hail warnings, wind speed, and stream flow information for rivers across Nepal.

Through access to timely and accurate information, the app is designed to empower communities take steps to mitigate risks associated with extreme weather events and potential floods.

Nepal is frontline to extreme events linked to temperature rise. Between 2012 and 2021, in property losses alone, extreme climate events have cost the country $17 million each year, according to the Asian Development Bank. The economic impact of river flooding could triple in the next six years.

“This app marks a major step forward in providing forecasting to communities at risk in Nepal,” said Izabella Koziell, Deputy Director General of ICIMOD, “helping protect property and lives by allowing users to access real-time weather updates and river discharge data from satellite and other monitoring technologies.”

This mobile app is also designed to support Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) practitioners, volunteers, and organizations focusing on anticipatory actions. It features hourly weather forecasts, flood updates tailored to specific areas of interest, and color-coded icons for quick comprehension. The app is available in both Nepali and English languages.

“Through innovative solutions like the ‘PrakopAlert’ app, we are dedicated to bridging the gap between science, technology, and local communities,” stated Rudra Adhikari, Deputy Director at NRCS. “Our commitment lies in leveraging science and technology to enable timely communication and proactive actions, ultimately ensuring resilience and prosperity.”

The ‘PrakopAlert’ app is now available for free on the Android Play Store and will be continuously improved based on user feedback to better meet the evolving needs of communities.

“With the launch of the app, we are reminded of the substantial impact that technological innovation can have on community resilience and disaster preparedness. I believe, through the development of this innovative mobile application, we will be able to bridge the crucial gaps in anticipation and preparation. By providing users with real-time weather updates and river discharge data, derived from cutting-edge technology and satellite imagery. I hope we can have more communities empowered with the tools they need for informed decision-making and proactive risk mitigation. This launch is a significant milestone in our ongoing efforts to build resilience against natural disasters in Nepal. Together, we can continue to make progress towards a safer and more resilient future for all.”

_Izabella Koziell, The Deputy Director General, ICIMOD

“Through innovative solutions like the ‘PrakopAlert’ app, we are dedicated to bridging the gap between science, technology, and local communities. Our commitment lies in leveraging science and technology to enable timely communication and proactive actions, ultimately ensuring resilience and prosperity”.

_Rudra Adhikari, Deputy Director at NRCS

For media inquiries, please contact:

ICIMOD (Kathmandu)
Raz Tuladhar, Media Officer

For information on the App, please contact:
Md. Jaber Hassan, Digital Communications and Outreach officer

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