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16 Jul 2024 | Press releases

WOMEN ON ICE: ICIMOD seeks recruits to help shatter the ‘Ice-Ceiling’ in cryosphere science

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Kathmandu, Nepal – 17 July 2024  ICIMOD this winter launches Women on Ice, a flagship new initiative to build the experience, skills, confidence and networks of the next generation of female cryosphere researchers.

The centre says the scheme is an important step in their effort to drive urgent progress in tackling the persistent gender imbalance in science where just one third of researchers are women.

Women on Ice will offer 10 aspiring glaciologists from the Hindu Kush Himalayan region between the ages of 21 and 28 the chance to join ICIMOD’s first-ever all-women cryosphere expedition, to Ponkar Glacier in Manang, Nepal in December 2024.

The fully funded expedition will provide participants with intensive training in how to survive in challenging environments, to identify glacial features, to develop a deeper understanding of the impact of climate change on these vital ecosystems, and to collect valuable data.

Applications are welcome now, for women from Bhutan, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan, with no previous experience of science or glaciology necessary.

Izabella Koziell, Deputy Director General, ICIMOD says, “To unleash change on the scale the world now needs will require all of humanity’s skills, talent, and knowledge. When it comes to gender equality, cryosphere science in particular continues to lag behind other fields. Women on Ice is an important first step in addressing this stubborn imbalance.”

Miriam Jackson, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change author and Cryosphere Lead, ICIMOD, says, “Cryosphere changes in the Hindu Kush Himalaya hold vast implications for communities in one of the most populated places on the planet – with many of these implications set to be felt first and most acutely by women. In this context, encouraging gender parity in the study of snow, ice and permafrost is not a ‘nice to have’ – it’s vital that decision making on climate change and water resource management  is inclusive and considers the needs of all sections of societies.

“It’s crucial at this moment that we create more opportunities for women to shape the academic discourse, and provide pathways for them to influence policy, and drive solutions. I wish this scheme had existed when I was a young female scientist, taking my first steps into a hugely male-dominated field.”

Pema Gyamtsho, Director General of ICIMOD, says, “We are very excited to launch this new initiative as part of our commitment to gender equality and social inclusion. Our hope is that Women on Ice will be catalytic – not just forging a network of new female scientists, but also inspiring and encouraging more girls to pursue careers in science by highlighting the huge range of opportunities that exist in these realms. Having more women in science will underpin a more resilient and dynamic scientific community, which leads to a more sustainable and equitable future.”

The expedition, from 2-13 December, will include two mountaineering guides, a doctor, and four ICIMOD experts. All participants will go through a medical check to be declared medically fit to undertake the expedition by an accredited hospital, and must be willing to undertake a difficult hike and work under challenging conditions.

To learn more and to apply head to:

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