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A three-day training workshop on “Measuring and Monitoring of Forests in the context of REDD+ MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification)” took place at the Forest Research Institute (FRI) in Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw 12-14 July 2016. Resource persons from Ecosystem Services (REDD+ Initiative), Geospatial Solutions and GIZ gave presentations and facilitated hands-on learning exercises. The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development’s (ICIMOD) Regional REDD+ Initiative, under the REDD+ Himalaya, organised the training jointly with FRI, the Forest Department, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC), and the Republic of the Union of Myanmar.
The objective of the training workshop was to enhance the capacity of forestry officials and other relevant stakeholders from government line agencies through advanced remote sensing (RS) knowledge and techniques to measure and monitor forest cover and associated biomass in Myanmar. The training will enhance country level capacity for the development of future national forest monitoring systems for REDD+ in Myanmar. It also provided valuable insights into the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and introduced Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines for monitoring and reporting of REDD+ activities.
The training was attended by more than 20 participants including eight women from various government line agencies. The participants were nominated by the Forest Department and included officials from the Survey Department, the Environmental Conservation Department, the Dry Zone Greening Department, the Training & Research Development Division, the Wildlife Conservation Department, the Natural Forest & Plantation Department, the Planning & Statistics Division, and the Forest Research Institute. The participants provided feedback on how similar future events could be improved and were awarded certificates for completing the course.
For further information, please contact Muhammad Sohail at:
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