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29 Mar 2024 | SERVIR-HKH

Request for proposals: Consultancy services to revamp the SERVIR-HKH website

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Photo: Jitendra Raj Bajracharya/ICIMOD.

ICIMOD is looking for consultancy services to revamp the SERVIR-Hindu Kush Himalaya website.

To provide you more details of the assignment, please review the Terms of Reference (ToR) which can be downloaded here.

Applicants must include the following sections in the technical proposal (details are enclosed in ToR):

  1. A brief overview of the proposal
  2. Technical approach and methodology
  3. Work plan: the proposed work plan should be consistent with the technical approach and methodology, along with a detailed timeline
  4. Organisational capacity and experience
  5. Personnel qualifications and experience
  6. Applicants should provide the financial quote with the breakdown of all the costs and include the tax in the budget
Bidding process
  1. The proposal submitted should include all costs, a timeline for the execution of the project, and a breakdown of the durations
  2. Proposals must be submitted along with the supporting documents as follows:
    • Company registration certificate
    • Tax registration certificate (i.e. VAT/PAN registration)
    • Tax clearance of the last 3 years, including FY 2079/80
    • Bid validity period 60 days
  3. The bidder must be a legally registered company in Nepal
  4. The bidder shall quote the item rates as applicable for the work in a formal quotation with signature and stamp

The bidder must submit the proposal to no later than 5 PM, Nepal Standard Time, 10 April 2024.

ICIMOD reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without giving any reason whatsoever.

Download ToR

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